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Configless Replacement Mod

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A few months ago someone posted this in a topic in the Addons and Mods complete section.

I would like to attempt something like this for my own use. I would like to replace only the default BIS vehicles for East and West (for use with GRAA mod). However the above link does not go into detail in how to do this and where the vehicle files for East and West are.

How would I do this?

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Quote[/b] ]A few years ago, rather - it's dated 2004

Read what I typed more carefully. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Another opportunity for me to direct peoples attention for my 4Eyes patch for GRAA

Already have it. Thanks for it btw.

Quote[/b] ]Replace textures in data.pbo (\Res\Dta\data.pbo or \Res\Dta\Hwtl\data.pbo - depending if using Hardware Texture & Lighting)

and / or

replace models in data3d.pbo (same paths)

I'm not certain, however, that this replaces BIS units that were added as upgrades eg. \Addons\humr.pbo, etc. And you'd have a further pain in the backside if you were replacing gun optics and the like.

Thanks. Will have a peek.

Quote[/b] ]

you're probably better off (learning to) create your own modified config.cpp.

Probably. Don't really understand them though. The original way means that I can use it with other mods such as FDF without having to edit countless config.cpp's.

I'll check out the method nonetheless so thank you for pointing out that tutorial.

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Quote[/b] ]Is this what it takes to get a comment out of Generation Why?  I'll assume that's vague, meh, satisfaction?

'Back in my day...' biggrin_o.gif

I have it. I know what it does and the effort that goes into making such things (hence the thanks). I have yet to give it a thorough try.

The main for reason for a lack of comments on it is probably down do the slowly dying OFP community when ArmA appeared. I don't play OFP much myself nowadays.

Quote[/b] ]I have a copy of (I think) Silesian's Retexture Mod that's just 16.4 Mb - so I could upload it if you really wanted.

What does it all contain?

If you put it up I will give it a permanent mirror.

Quote[/b] ]Another advantage of editing configs

it's easy to change sounds: just copy-and-paste from the config of the addon you hope to use.

Aye, just had a look through that tutorial and had a little practice. Easier to use than what I thought so I will just use the config method instead.

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Quote[/b] ]Which vehicles were you thinking of replacing?

All of the military vehicles for all sides.

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