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cobalt red

A list of questions.

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Alright, I've finally got around to creating a good mission but it's lacking a few touched that i need.

1-How do I set off a trigger when a built-in map object is destroyed. Lets say that Object ID in the editor is 12345, what is the propper condition?

2-How do i make multiple units do one action? The action is 'dofire'. I have r2 dofire t1 ; r3 dofire t1 ; r4...etc etc. For the sake of saving space how might I consolodate this?

3-How can I immobilize a unit or the player so thats they can shoot but not move or change stance?

4-Can someone give me a complete, walkthrough of how to add my own music into a mission (I'm still reasearchng this one).

5-What do I do to set up the briefing and objectives list and all, does chris's script editor still work for ArmA? (Still looking into)

6-How could I get a unit to follow the player? I know in OFP the dofollow command was all weird. I still have yet to try anthing though but in the mean time help would be much appreciated.

7-What is the command to make a unit go to position x in map object with ID xxxxx?

8-How can I instantly add units to the player's group after exitting a vehicle? This would be without a join/join and lead waypoint.

9-How do I set a certain face/skin for a unit so that they don't change everytime you play?

Maybe more. I'll check off some of these if I find them through further searching.

Tahnks in advance!

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1. press f2 and connect object with trigger (enable id´s helps to find the right spot, start at object and pull it in trigger)

2. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x dofire t1} foreach units groupname

3. disableai "move" works only for ai, same with this stop true,

disable animations works for player as far i know, but all anims disabled means you cant aim aswell. the engine wasnt made to take control from the player (wich would make him a spectator)

4. there are tutorials and most people have music disabled, short version is to make a ogg, define it in description.ext and start it via a trigger or initcommand.

5. there is a arma version of the editor you mentioned. briefing and objectives shouldnt be a prob with it. marker naming must be correct of course. not 100% sure but i think you can add music with this editor aswell

6. dofollow didnt worked in older arma versions, not sure how the actual status of this command is. simple script to make one unit follow another would be a looped

unit1 domove getpos unit2, actually you dont even need a script, a single trigger repeadingly triggered by the distance of the units can do it aswell.

7. objectid didnt work in this command anymore (also not sure how 1.14 handle this command)

place the unit near the building and write in init <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos (nearestbuilding this buildingpos #number)

quick way to check available buildingpositions ingame is a repeadingly radio activated trigger, on activation you write

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player setpos (nearestbuilding player buildingpos xxx); xxx=xxx+1; and in init of player you write <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">xxx=0, you can place your player unit near a building and can move from buildingpos to buildingpos by radio call. helps to place ai units proper insider the buildings.

8. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[name1, name2, name3] join name4

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Awesome, thanks.

Another one would be how to set a face/skin for a unit?

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Why you don't just download the english Editing Guide from one of the mirrors here?

Most of your questions should be answered there.

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Thanks, that answered most of them.

I do still have one. I have it set so that 3 units join the players group when they exit a vehicle. I don't want them as a group untill they exit. However I do want the play to be able to select the other 3 units gear in the briefing. Any ideas on how I could pull this off?

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I'm starting to learn those advance features of the editor in order to do some simple co-op mission so I can have my dad learn to play the game.

Any updated manuals / editor guides floating around that would anwser to same basic questions ?

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