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XSI has a free version for non-commercial mods, sort of like gmax a few years ago, but with broader support an up-to-date technology.

It's really powerfull and it would probably be better to have an export plugin for that rather than trying to recreate the wheel with Oxygen Light.

It's already supported by valve, crytek, microsoft...

Just a thought.

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It's not a bad idea.

BIS could at least ask Softimage what kind of process would it be and how much would it cost them.

Then again, as BIS has already created their own, even if primitive and limited, 3D modelling software, do they want to stop developing that. I don't believe they would. It is part of their content pipeline and they can change it whenever they want to support new features. So I think they won't drop that.

So the XSI ModTool would be just another choice for the users.

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