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Need help with my IF statements.

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I have this bit of code in my script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_rNumber = floor(random 11);

if (_rNumber == 0) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus1));

if (_rNumber == 1) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus2));

if (_rNumber == 2) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus3));

if (_rNumber == 3) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus4));

if (_rNumber == 4) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus5));

if (_rNumber == 5) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus6));

if (_rNumber == 6) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus7));

if (_rNumber == 7) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus8));

if (_rNumber == 8) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus9));

if (_rNumber == 9) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus10));

if (_rNumber == 10) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus11));

if (_rNumber == 11) then (husLogic setPos (getPos hus12));

The code will will get a random number and depending on what it is execute the command... In this case a gameLogic that is to be moved to another gameLogics position.

But it always picks the last one... It always ends up at hus12. If I take the last row out, it will end up at the position of hus11.

How can I fix this? I guess my syntax is messed up.

Thx for any help!

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I have this bit of code in my script:

You have used ( and )  where you should've used { and }.

e.g: if (bla) then ( doBla ); should be: if (bla) then { doBla };

Secondary; I would exchange then with exitWith, as no more of the code needs to be executed anymore, after the _rNumber was found.

However, I would recommend:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_rNumber = ceil (random 12);

husLogic setPos (getPos (call compile format["hus%1", _rNumber]));

Or: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_ar = [hus1, hus2, hus3, hus4, hus5, hus6, hus7, hus8, hus9, hus10, hus11, hus12];

_rNumber = floor (count _ar);

husLogic setPos (getPos (_ar select _rNumber));

You could also use switch case, however, I would recommend one of the above.

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Thank you sickboy!

I just realized the brackets icon_rolleyes.gif !

Your code snippet was just what I had in mind when I started. Very nice code indeed! Clean and small.

Thank you so much for your time and help!

// Tophe of OOPS

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