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Clipping problem...can drive through walls, etc...

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I just got done making this panzer:


The problem I have with it is this:


I can drive right through walls, buildings, trees, etc, etc.  I can also use infantry and walk through it.  I'm a total noob at addons...please help!



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Ok thanks! I already had a geo LOD defined by mass but I never bothered to validate it. There are a lot of holes in my geo. I suspect thats why its not working properly.

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may sure you check the topology and use the 'closed objects' or something similiar (sorry, im at work and can't check the actual wording of it) which will then hilight the objects that are not closed. The geo lod will only recognise objects that are closed, i.e. have a face on all sides so its a completel whole object.

you'll also need to check components (again, I can't remember the exact name and I do appologise for that. I think this is what the wiki means by validating the geo lod), which is also under the topology tab. You'll know when you've got the right one because it will give each individual object a named selection of componentXX (where XX is a sequential number)

and just to make matters a little more complicated, the geo lod should be very basic and simple shapes. If you try and make an object very complicated, the engine doesnt seem to cope too well with it. Its best to make smaller, more simple objects and place them next to each other to create the larger cllipping area.

I'll correct the names once im back from work (unless you've worked it out already by then)

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yup thx, followed your advice and the wiki and everything worked out great!

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That model seems like it might cause some errors, you should check the faces, go under Structure->check faces, and fix errors using this tutorial here. Otherwise preformance might suffer.

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