W0lle 1051 Posted July 2, 2008 Okay, seriously now: <span style='color:red'>I need to know who is working on what, and what the status of his work is.</span> No one except Ebud and NSXr replied to my mail or last post here. That either means the rest ignores me, or just lost interest working on CWR and doesn't feels like even let the rest of us know. In this case I'd like to know it so I can dismiss the person and looking for a replacement. Come on guys, we have to finish this project. Preferably before the release of ArmA II, or if that's not possible shortly after. From what I see, the following vehicles/units are still missing or need some work: Vehicles AH64 BMP BMPAmbul BMPRes BRDM BoatE BoatW Bradley Bus CarrierW Cessna GJeep Jawa Jeep JeepMG JeepPolice Kamov Kolo M60 Mi24 Mini OH58 Rapid RapidY SGUAZG Scud Su25 T55G T72Res T80 T80Res Trabant TruckV3SCivil TruckV3SG TruckV3SGReammo TruckV3SGRefuel TruckV3SGRepair UAZG Weapons 6G30 AK47 AK47CZ AK47GrenadeLauncher Bizon CarlGustavLauncher CZ75 FAL G36a Glock GlockS HKG3 HuntingRifle Ingram Kozlice LaserDesignator M21 M60 MM1 Phone Revolver Skorpion Steyr Tokarev UZI XMS Humans Angelina BISCamelPilot BISCamelPilot2 Civilian Civilian10 Civilian11 Civilian2 Civilian3 Civilian4 Civilian5 Civilian6 Civilian7 Civilian8 Civilian9 GeneralE SoldierGPilot SoldierGSniper Woman1 Woman2 Woman3 Woman4 Woman5 That surely is a lot of work, and maybe we need some more people to hire. If you know one who has the skills needed and might be interested in working with us then let me know or ask them to get in touch with me. Thanks  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
t_d 47 Posted July 6, 2008 I am responsible for the UI and packing pipeline. Furthermore I did most of the model.cfg stuff and if external raw data his available I am mostly importing it to the project. And you can contact me for every kind of scripting questions. Currently I am not working on the UI and other things because UI hasnt high priority and the rest of the project isnt developing. But I am still active: if someone would need help he could contact me. But since Planck isnt available anymore the project is stagnating. Wonder if he still didnt get his graphic card. To sum it up: you can add my mail to your list of active CWR members. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennywise 0 Posted July 7, 2008 Hey Guys, Nice to see some of ya are still alive and well. I primarily helped with the initial mission conversion and automating some of the tasks. I also helped a little with the build and had also put together an 'easy to install' toolkit which some of us picked up and started using. I pretty much stick to scripting. I can help with the build scripts as well if needed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maruk 80 Posted July 7, 2008 We were recently contacted by OAC project (OFP ArmA conversion), Quirin Eberle I am not sure you guys know each other: but as obviously the original CWR team seems to be burnt out, maybe there's an opportunity to finish the best Cold War conversion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1051 Posted July 7, 2008 The CWR guys responsible for converting the missions are definitely not burnt out. I'm almost done with the campaign mission files, Mr-Murray was hired to do the cutscenes and intros. And we have Pennywise as backup as well. The only problem we're still dealing with are that some missions (and so the soundfiles) are missing in the xbox version, while they were present in the PC version. See my last post here OFman is still working on Kolgujev and Everon, Malden is almost done but Planck is still out of action. What seems to be burnt out are the guys working on vehicles and stuff (with the exception that Rellikki finished the Resistance units). Other then that there has nothing been done since the demo release in December . Conclusion: We don't need assistance with the campaign and missions, but definitely need people able to either convert the xbox vehicles into ArmA or make them from scratch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennywise 0 Posted July 7, 2008 Yea, kinda seems to be a shortage of modelers and texture artist these days.  I wish I could say Hudson was available, but he has been MIA for a while now, attending to family needs.  I would ask some of the CoC guys too, but there only a handful of us left that actually still work on projects.  I can help with configs where needed.  I still have an active development view on my box at home.  However, like you said,  most of the work involved is still model/texture conversion.  Heh, I might tinker some with model conversion.  I open the o2 from time to time and tinker with it  I'll keep an eye out for modelers. One thing I'd like to add is that as more models are converted over and made available, we might have to substitute their addon names back into the mission converter so the original addons are added back to the mission.  In some instances, we had to find substitutions and equivalents so we could play the missions in ArmA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pennywise 0 Posted July 7, 2008 Maruk/Wolle, are there any plans for CWR and ArmA2? Do you guys have any deadlines or goals that need to be met? I'm sure it's already crossed your minds, we could have loads of content available for ArmA2 with CWR and Warefare. Not that I'm familiar with all the details around that. I guess at some point we may want to add a warfare port for CWR? Might be something to consider for some of us idle scriptors Share this post Link to post Share on other sites