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why do all the severs crash 95% of the time in coop? sence 1.14 patch and battleye? help.gif

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Can you state exactly what happens mate?

Do you start a coop then it crashes?

Do you play for a while then it crashes?

Are you hosting a coop game or joining in on one?

What mods / addons are you using?

And any other info you think may help.

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what your asking is not helping ,how does one know what mods other people are using? the main issue seems to be something they change in the 1.14 patch thats effecting every sever? do they have a default sever for people with no mods to play on. on patch 1.08 severs never crash 95% the time as they do now , are thier any 1.08 servers running coop?

mods i am using : arma effects and the hi fi sound mod, but how are they going to fix this everyone comes into a game with different mods ? arma should have a crash report for admins to log on these issues in arma 2 ?

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Many times this problem it's for Client Side Addons.

Try to activate the addon verifications signature and see what happens.

Also, check your RPT file.

Bye smile_o.gif

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First thing you need to do is take control of your server.

Quote[/b] ]what your asking is not helping ,how does one know what mods other people are using?

If people can load any mod they want no wonder your server keeps crashing. All those competing MODS clashing with each other, from tens of different setups, some not even designed for MP and yes people do start up MODs that are not even tested for MP all trying to run on your server. That is a recipe for disaster.

To do this you need to be running a descent server.cfg


On the same point seting up your configuration you need to read through this thread.


Within your server.cfg the important ones are

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">equalModRequired=1



equalModRequired is a little redundant but it is a gross filter saving time on the more complex verifySignatures.

You should run Addon Signature checking from your server.cfg


You should run BattleEye from your server.cfg there is a BattleEye support thread if you need it.


You can also ask the admin of an existing ArmA server that is similar to yours to send you their config and work from there.

Next you need to refine your security profile.

You can set up various server scripts to protect your server from riff raff and tell people what they need to run to get permission to use your server.


As to your error report fabiantronc pointed out that your arma.RPT file default for windows XP <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\{Username}\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\arma.RPT

Yoma has created a tool to make this easier to read.


Second mirror


You can see a thread about it here


Oh by the way, thank you for being one of those who helps the ArmA community by running a public server.

Kind Regards walker

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i dont have a sever i am just a player, i wish the other servers would just allow the default game with a patch 1.14 , seems this problem is not going to be fixed as long as people have mods untested for MP.  banghead.gif  

i played 2 games today they all crashed on the 75th sever ? played about 3 hours on both games.

then i went to the 15th sever and it crashed stopped the game with no chains with like 11 people playing , i played like 3 hours on it.

what causes the desyinc chains when someone comes into a room with a mod that won't work?  confused_o.gif

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I have played a few Warfare sessions and not once did a server crash.

I have been kicked out once from a server because too much lag caused the BattlEye to fail, though.

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If you are not running the server how can say the server is crashing? Answer you cannot.

The servers I am playing on run much more stable since 1.14 Even the BETA Test servers running very complex addons run more stable and in all cases any crashes of late track back to addon failures; but that is the nature of beta testing I do.

There is you problem.

mods i am using : arma effects and the hi fi sound mod

You need to run the same mods as the server. Running Different mods to the server causes crashes and gets you kicked off servers that are not running those mods.

So it is you that is crashing not the servers, either that or you are getting kicked.

As to your own crashing check your ArmA report but the most likely candidate is one of your addons.

Kind Regards walker

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