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AI walking slowly on building paths

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When on building path, the AI automatically switches from "slow(F/FL/FR)" / "fast(F/FL/FR)" animations to "walk*", even if its "speedMode" is set to fast.

I thought it may be controled by something in the CfgMoves class, but i didn't find anything.

Is it then something in the buildings configs? maybe directly in the model, like some parameter set for the path?

Or is it hardcoded in the game engine?

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It should be controlled by coefInside member of the building config.

Another specific reaction to being "inside" of a building is AI never goes prone, which is hard-coded in the game code.

(Note: Being "inside" is defined as AI moving along the path-LOD given route)

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Thanks for the clarification Suma.

Its a bad news, because i fear there is some reason why devs left it this way, maybe to avoid some model clipping problems?

I tried to change the cfgMoves walking animations into running, and it didn't seemed like there are any problems, but maybe i have to test it more and in more buildings to see if there really are problems or not (which will cost me another time, so if anyone knows...).

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If only there was a way to scale that multiplier via a scripting command...


Then we could make AI breach a building at decent speed, rather than having them just walk in like they got home from work.  :tounge2:


EDIT: I could have sworn the date said 2018, and not 2008... I'll see myself out!

Edited by Cre8or

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