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'olly krrawp!

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Jezz , thats wicked , all companies want $$$ , even BIS must admit that , but , they are a nice company , they care about their customers, They have worked on Upgrades they never had to , OK , the patches ofcourse they were owe us , cos the game had pretty bad Netcode in the begining , now tho , it rulez =). Anyway they gaved us many weapons such as Steyr ,G36 , Kozlice & XMS , and aloot of vechiles , and u are still whining , i think this is a pretty smart system , now only "good" addons will be avaible , not the "bad" ones , and im sure BIS gives the tools to anyone that deserves em.

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Thats way out of order mad.gif

I definatly wont go on that crappy site again tounge.gif

BIS made a GOOD decision, and they arnt stopping anyone from e-mailing them pictures and info on there models and mods.

Thankyou BIS for keepin flashpoint in the high standards

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Yeah, tell it madmike. I mean the freely available editor did so much damage to the game didn't it?


Dr. Charm

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This time Crutch is WAY out of line.

If he disagrees with BIS' decision, fine...

But the things he posted in this newspost are just plain childish!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder if Op. Vietnam will be among that list? Bet your sweet ass it will. You don't have to dig too deep to see the ties between OFPN and BIS<span id='postcolor'>

I already mailed him about this remark and I seriously hope to get a reply from him soon. I simply dont understand why a respected webmaster like himself would make such lame remarks just to piss people off.

This guy just lost every bit if respect I had for him mad.gif

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IMO a very childish and petulant post.

Bis worked on this game for 4-5 years, putting their time, effort, blood, sweat and tears into it, bringing us the game we've waited our whole gaming lives for, they've every right to earn themselves as much money as possible out of it.

Besides the fact I honestly don't believe the decision was brought about because they were thinking about the $$$'s, Opf is their baby, they don't have to give out the tools if they don't want to, if they want to try to ensure a sense of quality in any user made addons then I applaud them, they've already supported this community far more than other companies ever do.

I've said it in another thread and I'll say it again for the last time, I think their decision was an excellent one, both for us and for the game as a whole. I'm already sick of downloading missions only for it to CTD because some addon or another is missing, that would get a million times worse if every tom, dick and harry was churning out addons they made.

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same here.

Developing a game like ofp deserves more respect than he does for sure!!

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I agree with the moderators for once smile.gif

and with placebo again wow.gif

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That post at Axleonline was the most childest thing I have seen come from a professional looking site in a long time.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"If you have followed the cool stuff being done now (OFP Editing Center) with virtually no support from BIS"<span id='postcolor'>

No support from BIS? What? What do you think TexView is? IMO BIS has been THE most supportive game developer I have been involved with in the past few years.  Obviously the guys over at Axleonline are not too involved in the modding community, or they would have known of all the support BIS has provided the smaller modders with.  

Then they talk about Boycotting BIS? That's stupid, they know as well as me and you that they are going to buy every single addon that comes out for OFP, until a better game is released... because right now it is THE best game on the market.  Sure, if he wants to boycott BIS he can, but I can guarantee you that post will not alter the decisions of anyone at BIS.

Not only has BIS made the best military simulation on the market, they are constantly staying involved in the community and wish to continue to develop this game, rather than leave it alone and begin work on a new one like some other gaming companies, thats what I love about them.

They have released so many patches since it first hit stores, you will be lucky to get 1 or 2 from most companies which is really sad.  BIS is very involved in the community, more so than any other gaming community I have been with.

And above all, BIS has said they WILL eventually release the tools to the whole public, they just weren't able to do it as soon as they said they could. Which I guess Axleonline wasn't able to digest that part of the recent news postings... or maybe they chose not too.  I completely agree with BIS, I have created a couple large mods before and believe me from what I've read they made a good decision.

It sounded like they did not have all of their documentation ready, and the tools were still a little difficult to learn.  From Axles posting they seem to think the tools are 100% ready to go, and BIS just wants to make alot of money, BIS seems to be the completely opposite to me.  Because their tools are very difficult for the average person to learn, they chose to wait until they could get some VERY good documentation and tutorials for it finished. This will make it a little easier for the average person to learn.

And you ask why are they only releasing it to those that can show quality work? Simple, not because they don't want any loser high school kid to ruin their game, its because the people that can show quality work are the ones that will be able to learn the new tools without as much documentation.  BIS does not want to be stormed with questions and complaints about how hard the new tools are, they want them to be tested by people who know what they are doing while they finish up the tutorials and documentation on the tools.

Now perhaps I am completely wrong, and you think I'm the stupidest person you've met, and completely agree with Axleonline... well thats fine.  But I stand by BIS.



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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Mar. 01 2002,23:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">IMO a very childish and petulant post.

Bis worked on this game for 4-5 years, putting their time, effort, blood, sweat and tears into it, bringing us the game we've waited our whole gaming lives for, they've every right to earn themselves as much money as possible out of it.

Besides the fact I honestly don't believe the decision was brought about because they were thinking about the $$$'s, Opf is their baby, they don't have to give out the tools if they don't want to, if they want to try to ensure a sense of quality in any user made addons then I applaud them, they've already supported this community far more than other companies ever do.

I've said it in another thread and I'll say it again for the last time, I think their decision was an excellent one, both for us and for the game as a whole. I'm already sick of downloading missions only for it to CTD because some addon or another is missing, that would get a million times worse if every tom, dick and harry was churning out addons they made.<span id='postcolor'>

Well said. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Boomer00 @ Mar. 02 2002,00:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That post at Axleonline was the most childest thing I have seen come from a professional looking site in a long time.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"If you have followed the cool stuff being done now (OFP Editing Center) with virtually no support from BIS"<span id='postcolor'>

No support from BIS? What? What do you think TexView is? IMO BIS has been THE most supportive game developer I have been involved with in the past few years.  Obviously the guys over at Axleonline are not too involved in the modding community, or they would have known of all the support BIS has provided the smaller modders with.  

Then they talk about Boycotting BIS? That's stupid, they know as well as me and you that they are going to buy every single addon that comes out for OFP, until a better game is released... because right now it is THE best game on the market.  Sure, if he wants to boycott BIS he can, but I can guarantee you that post will not alter the decisions of anyone at BIS.

Not only has BIS made the best military simulation on the market, they are constantly staying involved in the community and wish to continue to develop this game, rather than leave it alone and begin work on a new one like some other gaming companies, thats what I love about them.

They have released so many patches since it first hit stores, you will be lucky to get 1 or 2 from most companies which is really sad.  BIS is very involved in the community, more so than any other gaming community I have been with.

And above all, BIS has said they WILL eventually release the tools to the whole public, they just weren't able to do it as soon as they said they could. Which I guess Axleonline wasn't able to digest that part of the recent news postings... or maybe they chose not too.  I completely agree with BIS, I have created a couple large mods before and believe me from what I've read they made a good decision.

It sounded like they did not have all of their documentation ready, and the tools were still a little difficult to learn.  From Axles posting they seem to think the tools are 100% ready to go, and BIS just wants to make alot of money, BIS seems to be the completely opposite to me.  Because their tools are very difficult for the average person to learn, they chose to wait until they could get some VERY good documentation and tutorials for it finished. This will make it a little easier for the average person to learn.

And you ask why are they only releasing it to those that can show quality work? Simple, not because they don't want any loser high school kid to ruin their game, its because the people that can show quality work are the ones that will be able to learn the new tools without as much documentation.  BIS does not want to be stormed with questions and complaints about how hard the new tools are, they want them to be tested by people who know what they are doing while they finish up the tutorials and documentation on the tools.

Now perhaps I am completely wrong, and you think I'm the stupidest person you've met, and completely agree with Axleonline... well thats fine.  But I stand by BIS.


-Pearce4353@yahoo.com<span id='postcolor'>

Well said too. smile.gif

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Although I dont think BIS decision is good with this matter, that axleonline post is going a bit over... in my opinion, it would be much, much better for the community if BIS would release the tools for everyone right now, but just disagreeing with them on that isnt a reason enough for me to start hating them. They still made a kickass game and they have had great support to it. This editing tool release matter is the only negative thing I see, pretty much everything else BIS has done is great.

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Hi there, forgive me if I'm wrong here, or maybe a developer can enlighten me if I'm mistaken, but here is how I see it so far from the reading of many many childish posts, and a few very well written posts from both sides.

What seems to be pissing most people off about the deal, isn't just that BIS isn't releasing Oxygen, but more along the lines that BIS said they would, and have since recanted. I know of many many people in cyberspace, and a couple locally that have been working very hard at making models for the game, in the belief that they would be able to import them into the game at some point in time. I believe (based on what I have read) that many of these people now think that their hard work has been washed down the toilet!

I also have read that many believe that an early release of Oxygen will result in the creation of a lot of crappy mods that will cause the sudden destruction of the world wide OFP universe (something judging from what I have seen so far I personally have a lot of trouble believing).

There is also a core of people that seem to believe that BIS is waiting for the release of Resistance before releasing Oxygen to garner more sales for (Something I also have trouble believing would happen. Although there are a lot of damn good modders out there, it's tough to beat an entire design team that did the original plus an expansion.

Maybe a developer or design team leader should address many of the issues raised here, and answer them directly to remove any speculation about reasons: ie: were they financial(if so nothing to be ashamed with), is Oxygen buggy (I work in software validation and know the difficulties in releasing high quality tools on extremely tight deadlines when there are also major projects concurrently on the go), and there are obviously other questions. I think the biggest question on a lot of peoples minds (not everybody's, but alot), is IF(note the word if) BIS did promise to release a free version of modding tools to general OFP community, then why has this stance change? (They do not have to answer this, but it is good PR to answer customer's questions) Finally, are they honestly planning on releasing the tools to the general community at a later date, and if so approximately when (3 to 6 months, a year?)?

Anyway sorry to ramble, just my thoughts on the subject!

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ok...they are nuts.

It seems like they think OFP is FreeBSD.

OFP is a commercial product. FreeBSD is not. Also, they didn't read Maruk's post correctly.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why would they want to release the tools that would allow the community to create badass new units/etc. for free when they could be cashing in with the Add-Ons? <span id='postcolor'>

pay-per-add-ons? they obviously got their head full of heat. I never heard BIS making us pay for add-ons. Oh..i forgot...the motorcycle that will come with Resistance Expansion pack.... tounge.gif well, that's becuase it's an expansion pack!!!!!!!!!!better codes! new isle!

Geeze...is having tons of different camos and vehicles a GREAT POTENTIAL? confused.gif I bought this game for its gameplay, not it's ability to add-on stuffs.

I just got back from OFPEC, and they seem to be supporting BIS(or I'm really bad at detecting sarcasm)

when I read O2 release post(not this one but one far before) the wording was clear. They were 'TRYING' to release it, not 'WILL'. Some ppl obviously take this too fast and ASSUME that that wil happen 100%. Read the lines carefully ppl. That's why liars always win. I mean laywers. tounge.gif

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