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Warfare Full Sahrani and others soon

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-Small Update you can now rearm.refuel.repair at light factories

-Resistance Groups Increased

Will upload tonight after checking for balance may increase the cost though for the inbase repair/refuel/rearm to prevent spamming

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because there are some open threads regarding modification of the great warfare mission, I wont like to open a new one. so here is one of my version of full-sahrani.

i have pimped the RACS forces a little bit to increase the stress factor :-) (same I use in the crCTI w/a addons mission)

hope it will be ok to post this one here.


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Sorry about lack of updates

-We are just making a coop friendly edition where AI teams will be more aggressive against human team. may take some time dunno

-We are also working on artillery smoke shells and possibly other types of shells

-Adding More spawn points

taking longer then expect computer repair business not letting me have much time atm

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Early COOP Missions 2 Split Missions one for East and one for West

File Removed for the moment Awaiting Update

Readme in file has the updates

Beware Increased Network Load and Server Load with these missions there is alot more AI Teams and Armor Units

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I'm finishing a Warfare in IC Barbuda, no mods but maybe, i will make an other version with Addons.

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AI was not challenging enough in the coop missions so we been messing with them for the past week might have a break through testing on or Sudden Command Server tonight await an update hopefully soon if all tests are successful


Well they do put up a bigger fight now time to make them more base aggressive though they're chance of finding the base is minimal. We are gonna add chopper teams to the opposing AI teams as well to add some more flavor since it seems vanilla warfare there is no AI bought Chopper teams when an AI commander is in play

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Maybe someone in this topic can give me a little help. Ive been messing around with editing warfare myself and have managed to port to full sara, add new weapons, vehicles, and ajust a few things here and there succesfully.

However! I can't seem to get any Resistance to spawn in any of my new towns. I simply copy/pasted the depots and markers from some of the existing towns, changed the names and near locations. The towns and camps work perfectly for capturing and supplys just no resistance.

Another thing is that most of the new towns also come with red markers.

EDIT: Problem Solved, I feel like a dumbass now. I wasnt aware of all the invisible markers in the editer that don't show up until you select markers...lol. now I now why whenever I attacked Corazol I ended up with what seemed like a never ending swarm of resistance coming from Bagango.

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Gonna need some advice I cant seem to figure out how to make the AI TEAM just auto know where players base is so they attack it so far no luck I might take some MFCTI scripts or something to get them to do it of course that may require some conversion.

Does anyone know if BIS is working on a COOP Edition of warfare so I dont waste my time ?

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