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1.14 Install Issue

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Same problem here. English Sprocket Online version.

I click the installer, it extracts, I select Sprocket Online Version, as soon as it starts, this error comes up:

Error found in Campaigns/ca.pbo (00000000!=00000001)

Fresh install and everything. Completely uninstalled ArmA, reinstalled it, applied International 1.08, which goes fine then the above mentioned error when trying to install 1.14. HELP!

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As quick workaround, simply press ignore. As result, campaign will not get updated but rest of the patch will be correct.
Hello there,

if anyone with sprocket version is experiencing this problem and does not like "Ignore-solution" please write at support and we will generate a link for you with AA 1.08 (2.7 GB) where is not a problem with patching,



IDEA games

Support Manager

Have you read the previous posts?

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Hi Lynx, thanks for the heads up, but can you provide the support email, so we can mail our request please?

Thank you

EDIT: Nvm, I got it. For those who need it: support@idea-games.com. Might as well use this opportunity to reset activations, as I used a few trying to get the patch to install properly...

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