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l mandrake

Any servers playing pvp (Bezerk etc.)?

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Hi all,

Does anyone know of an Arma server community that regularly hosts pvp missions such as Bezerk C&H or any other Team games?

Having got a bit bored of evo I have tried to start Bezerk games on public servers but nobody joins! In the end I usually have to give up and join one of the dozens of evo servers.

Nothing against coop/evo, I actually love it, but I want to also play against human players sometimes.....



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Tactical Gamer will play adversarial maps if the players so choose.

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Operation Reality also holds PvP scrim sessions and has PvP maps available on our pub server also.

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I did set up my qx9650 @ 3.5ghz for berzerk which run really good with 50 to 64 players but wasnt geting used daily so switched it to run sahrani life on 1.12 beta.

http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/635/xrfps52playersnr3.jpg was server fps when i tested server on berzerk. with 50+ players.

Maybe i switch it back to berzerk some and set my q6600 server to run sahrani.

Im kinda hoping there be some decent cti maps and updated berzerk maps relased when the next arma patch is out. At the moment most servers run coops which i aint into

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