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Question about LOD/mipmaps

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So now that I have created some catacomb walls and floors and placed them in a long mission I had to use fog to get good fps.

Now I guess this is because I have just lod, so it loads hundreds of 512x512 textures and when I looked into bis models I saw they use about 5 lods for statics. Now because my walls are really simple in their design I can't further cut down the model, so I'm wondering how you cut down the textures, is it done automatically? So if I would create a copy of the first lod would the texture be mipmapped down to the next level? Or do I have to set up anything like setmipmap for lod 2?

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Nope mipmaps will be applied automaticly. If you have some modelled details in there its not a bad idea to cut them to lower poly in LODs, otherwise as you said very plain and simple why to change.

One thing you could do if you have soft corners you can cut on few polies there and make corners bit sharper

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