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Master gamawa

Respawning Stuff.

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Here is an easy one.

I usually play on my LAN and use the respawn option where you respawn where you died.

The problem is that every time I die I lose my weapon and start with the same old m4 aimpoint rifle.

And grenades don't work. They appear fine on my gear screen but I can't throw them. Satchel charges too. If I die once, my satchels become useless.

If I drop one of those items to the ground, the items disappear.

How can I continue my game after dying, without messing with my equipment?

Do other people have problems with respawning? Do I need to script something to transfer my loadout or something?

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That's great.

I just don't know how to run this!

Where do I paste that? Somewhere on the editor? On some unit parameter?

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ok, I looked through the biki and everything is described like I ALREADY know what to do.

Well, I don't.

I read that scripts are written in sqs files and that sqs files are in the root of the mission folder.

There are no sqs files in my mission folders.

I know you must consider most of this knowledge basic and most probably you have read it a million times and I would too, if I knew where to look.

ps: I also read the begginers editing topic and did a few searches... Nothing. sad_o.gif

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okay. For sqs, files, scripts, you must create. Thats why there are none in your mission folder. wink_o.gif

So here--

open a new text document, and put this in it-

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#start

@ (! alive player)

_weapons = weapons player

_magazines = magazines player

@ (alive player)

removeallweapons player

{player addMagazine _x} foreach _magazines

{player addWeapon _x} foreach _weapons

goto "start"

then Save As, Init.sqs

BE SURE THE FILE TYPE IS SET TO ALL FILES, otherwise it will save as Init.sqs.txt--YOU DON'T WANT THIS, it will not work!

place the file in the mission folder and you should be good to go.

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