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New to Modding

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I have some newb questions as far as mods. I'm looking for a good sound mod - but was wondering if it matters what version am I running. So, should any sound mod work for all versions. Also, will this effect what servers I can/cannot play in?


download links also appreciated.

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Ok, so I've download AACF and am I'm running 1.12. All I did was drop the AACF sound folder into my Arma folder and changed the name of my shortcut. Is that right? The picture for the shortcut no longer shows now.

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No, all you should have changed in the shortcut is add the mod folder to the -mod parameter,

By right clicking on the shortcut and going to properties. Under Target.


"C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta


"C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=@AACF;beta

assuming the folders name is just @AACF

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Moving to Addon discussions.

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