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Some official guns from 1.08 are removed

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A lot of things are half finished in ArmA. Not that in itself makes the game any less fun it just feels like a hodge-podge of ideas.

One hopes ArmAII will be a more solid perfomer.

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A lot of things are half finished in ArmA. Not that in itself makes the game any less fun it just feels like a hodge-podge of ideas.

One hopes ArmAII will be a more solid perfomer.

What have these not included in final release weapons now to do with the "half-finished" ArmA?

Has anyone from BIS promised you these weapons? AFAIK no, heck you don't even know if they were ever planned just because there are some texture files in pbo file. Using this as an example for the "half-finished" is just bollocks.

I'm closing this now, before it turns into another developer bashing party. icon_rolleyes.gif

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