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Doing a recon style mission?

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What is the best way to setup scripts etc for a mission where the goal isn't to kill enemies really, but rather infiltrate and observe a target for a set amount of time? Is there any way of doing this and making the mission a success once you've right clicked and spotted a specific unit or something?

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This is certainly possible. One can set an objective for evading enemy detection and use knowsAbout statements for locating the targets that the scout needs to find.

BIS Wiki: knowsAbout

The MP squad I am part of had a nice mission for the BWMod Fennek in which a scout team had to infiltrate enemy territory and then locate certain assets hidden in a town and report back on them before returning to friendly lines. If properly played it could be completed without having to fire a single shot.



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Thanks! Could anyone give me an example script or what to put in the trigger? My scripting skill is quite low and although I know how to work with them well I don't have much experience making them beyond simple, simple things. Ideally I'd like it to check that each member of the squad "knows about" 2-3 targets.

Mission sounds interesting and similar to what I'm planning to do, except with RHS Marines/VDV and a BRDM-2.

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You're welcome.

These are the essential steps for a reconnaissance mission objective:

(1) In the briefing file, define an objective 1 that says Locate the Abrams tank.

(2) In the mission editor place a BluFor Abrams tank and name the unit abramstank.

(3) In the mission editor place an OPFOR soldier and name the unit aPlayer.

(4) In the mission editor place a trigger with radius of say 250 near the tank with the condition field filled with aPlayer knowsAbout abramstank > 0; and the on activation field filled with "1" ObjStatus "Done";, under effects select text and type in You have located the Abrams tank.

This will tick off the objective once the OPFOR soldier has spotted the tank and display the text on screen.

This can be further embellished by having a sidechat window that purports to display the text of a radio message back to headquarters or a soundfile to the same effect.



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Additionally you can use the eventhandler killed for a large trigger covering the base or zone you´re operating in. Once someone from the enmies side is killed you can do things like raising an alarm, changing the combatmode of the units in the trigger, have the enemies mount vehicles to search for you, etc...

I use this in a stealth operation - mission I´m working on. You have to blow a radio tower before you attack a camp. This way they are cut off from communications and can´t call for reinforcements. If you kill someone before the tower is blown there will be an alarm, they will call in helo support and a blackhawk full of high-skilled Spec-Ops will land in the village covered by smoke who will end your life pretty soon.

Of course this only happens if you do not act according to the plan.

Some may think it´s overdone for something many people who play the mission by the plan will never see, but I like such stuff as it actually portrays consequences for the players ingame behaviour and it´s better than just ending the mission with a "mission failed".

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