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Config Problem

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I've got the following config, but it seems to add a gunner position to the vehicle >< Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define true 1

#define false 0

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define VSoft 0

#define VArmor 1

#define VAir 2

#define LockNo 0

#define LockCadet 1

#define LockYes 2

#define ReadAndWrite 0

#define ReadAndCreate 1

#define ReadOnly 2

#define ReadOnlyVerified 3

class CfgWeapons


class Default {};

class CarHorn: Default {};

class SportCarHorn: CarHorn {};

class Siren1: SportCarHorn


displayName="Siren Long";



class SirenShort: SportCarHorn


displayName="Siren Short";




class CfgPatches


class sva_polcar


units[] = {"sva_polcar"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.0;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicleClasses


class sva_polcar


displayName = "SahraniVille - Car";



class CfgVehicles


class Land; // External class reference

class LandVehicle : Land {


class Car : LandVehicle {

class HitEngine {

armor = 1.2;

material = 60;

name = "motor";

visual = "motor";

passThrough = true;


class HitRGlass {

armor = 0.5;

material = -1;

name = "sklo predni P";

passThrough = true;


class HitLGlass {

armor = 0.5;

material = -1;

name = "sklo predni L";

passThrough = true;


class HitBody {

armor = 0.4;

material = 51;

name = "karoserie";

visual = "karoserie";

passThrough = true;


class HitFuel {

armor = 1.4;

material = 51;

name = "palivo";

passThrough = true;


class HitLFWheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Levy predni tlumic";

visual = "Levy predni";

passThrough = true;


class HitRFWheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Pravy predni tlumic";

visual = "Pravy predni";

passThrough = true;


class HitLF2Wheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Levy dalsi tlumic";

visual = "Levy dalsi";

passThrough = true;


class HitRF2Wheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Pravy dalsi tlumic";

visual = "Pravy dalsi";

passThrough = true;


class HitLMWheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Levy prostredni tlumic";

visual = "Levy prostredni";

passThrough = true;


class HitRMWheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Pravy prostredni tlumic";

visual = "Pravy prostredni";

passThrough = true;


class HitLBWheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Levy zadni tlumic";

visual = "Levy zadni";

passThrough = true;


class HitRBWheel {

armor = 0.05;

material = -1;

name = "Pravy zadni tlumic";

visual = "Pravy zadni";

passThrough = true;


getInAction = "GetInMedium";

getOutAction = "GetOutMedium";

supplyRadius = 1.2;

driverAction = "ManActTestDriver";

cargoAction[] = {"ManActTestDriver"};

hideUnitInfo = false;

class Exhausts; // External class reference

castDriverShadow = false;

castCargoShadow = false;


class sva_polcar : Car


selectionBackLights = "brzdove svetlo";

selectionBrakeLights = "light_brake";

vehicleClass = "sva_polcar";

scope = public;

model = "\sva_polcar\car_sedan.p3d";

Picture = "\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\car_sedan_CA.paa";

Icon = "\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\car_sedan_CA.paa";

mapSize = 6;

terrainCoef = 2;

turnCoef = 2.500000;

accuracy = 0.500000;

fuelCapacity = 60;

displayName = "Police Sedan";

side = 1;

maxspeed = 150;

crew = "SoldierWB";

nameSound = "humvee";

weapons[] = {CarHorn,sirenshort,Siren1};

magazines[] = {};

armor = 60;

type = VArmor;

cost = 100000;

armorGlass = 0.5;

armorWheels = 0.15;

soundEngine[] = { "\sva_polcar\engine.wav", 0.027783, 1.200000 };

soundGear[] = { "\sva_polcar\gear.wav", 0.000178, 1 };

SoundGetIn[] = { "\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\4WD_DoorOpenClose1", 0.100000, 1 };

SoundGetOut[] = { "\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\4WD_DoorOpenClose1", 0.031623, 1 };

soundServo[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\servo3", db-40, 1.0};

typicalCargo[] = {"Civilian"};

transportSoldier = 3;

canfloat = true;

hasGunner = 0;

castDriverShadow = true;

driverIsCommander = true;

driverAction = "Skodovka_Driver";

cargoAction[] = { "Skodovka_Cargo01" };

canLock = LockNo;

unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier";

// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types

threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.4};



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Quote[/b] ] type = VArmor;

I dont know, but what happens if you change this to VSoft?

Another thing:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgVehicles


class Land; // External class reference

class LandVehicle : Land {


class Car : LandVehicle {

class HitEngine {

armor = 1.2;

material = 60;

name = "motor";

visual = "motor";

passThrough = true;



You shouldnt do it this way as you change all vehicles that inherits from class car. If you want to change that do it under your own addons class (class sva_polcar). Unless you actually plan to change/tweak all cars and all addons inherited from class car?

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try adding

class turrets {};

befroe you getin line, it should look like

passThrough = true;


Class Turrets {};

getInAction = "GetInMedium";

getOutAction = "GetOutMedium";

supplyRadius = 1.2;

driverAction = "ManActTestDriver";

i believe, it fixed it on mine.

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