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Am i doing something wrong?

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Could someone have a quick look over my settings and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I've tried everything to get textures to load up again after i reastart o2 and they still dont. I checked the model and it says missing textures:c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\bimodels\wlfbsu25\su-25btmsec.tga

I checked the folder and theyre still there!

What am i doing wrong its asctually driving me mad. Ive searched the forums... Been through every bloody tutorial checked and tried every explanation. I MUST BE RETARDED OR SOMETHING... I just cant figure out what it is I'm overlooking...

Please can someone explain in Laymans terms... i just want to finish this model rather restarting from scratch again.. or spending ages getting the blueprints to firm. Once again cheers

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Is there perhaps a case sensitivity problem, or a spelling mistake in your path or your filename?

Have you tried replacing the targa file with one that's just one solid colour or some other targa you know isn't corrupt?|

I don't know O2 but I would start there. You shouldn't have to redo your model. I'm sure there is some kind of hack you can do to get your file back. In the future, though, save incrementally and often.

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Its quite simple actually, for textures to work correctly all stuff releated to addon; model, textures and model.cfg has to be in P:\ drive. Correct you can define location to this virtual drive by yourself, but it is required that all texture and model paths has to go through P:\Addonname\.

So in your case texture paths has to be on P:\WlfbSU25\ preferably add there data\ still and model should be also in root of that addon folder.

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hmmm... could you give me a quick explanation how to set that up please?

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When you installed Oxygen you also installed drive P:\ which is virtual drive that leads to some certain place in one of your drives, like for example C:\ArmAstuff\o2\

Anyway this drive is meant to serve as root for ArmA addons you make. Meaning all models should locate there in their respective folders as well as textures.

When you open up Oxygen and open saved model to continue your work (same as you save) select drive P:\ and then addon folder and ergo there should be your model. Now model you can open in any root its not a problem, but textures can be only loaded when their path is P:\(folder\)something.paa (.tga, .jpg etc.).

So now we have set following, your models and textures are placed in P:\WlfbSU25\ (most seem to put textures and rvmats on P:\foldername\data\, which is not bad idea when you want to archive properly). Yet textures are not showing, this is because they don't have proper path. To fix this go Tools->Mass Texture & Material renaming... and change all paths to match up with this:


c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\bimodels\wlfbsu25\su-25btmsec.tga


p:\wlfbsu25\data\su-25btmsec.tga (preferably .paa, check Texview or Kegetys Paatool)

After all textures and material paths has been renamed to correct you should see textures in your buldozer window. I might have explained it bit odd and complicated way, but its actually quite easy thing to do and maintain. All you have to remember is to run everything with Oxygen through P:\ drive and you will avoid such problems wink_o.gif

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in dll folder textfield is missing this \ add it and it should work.

alternative check this thread at the end

My Webpage

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