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bravo 6

Editing terrain in Buldozer

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Quote[/b] ]"Hint: If you don't see editing cursor (white box) and arrow indicating selected objects, set Buldozer to use content of unpacked UI.pbo by stating it in text file loaded when Buldozer starts. Description can be found in Visitor 3 Manual page."

Did anyone tried this?

I want to do some extra editing while Im in buldozer and this cursor would be very useful for what i want, but i don't know how to make it work, not even with this hint.

"H" key doesn't work, then i need to follow the hint but don't know what to do..

asking for help.gif

EDIT: Added the following link wich have the latest Visitor3 (with white square) for those who don't read all posts.


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If you don't see the large white arrow and white cube, you may need to re-install Visitor. The UI.pbo data was missing from the original release, but the second release (several months ago) resolved this issue.

From memory, turning on the vertex lock makes the large arrow "snap" to the nearest terrain vertex. I actually don't have the tools on my new PC, I should really install them again... whistle.gif

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On Windows XP the P:\ drive is actually just a "shortcut" to the files in your My Documents\ARMA\ARMWORK folder. If you back up the ARMAWORK folder you'll have saved your work from "any" damage as a result of reinstalling. It should be fine, but just incase...

I've tried using the terrain raise/lower feature in Visitor which isn't bad for placing objects. It raises/lowers in .5meter and 1.0meter increments.

It would be neat to figure out how to make the movement in Visitor move quicker than one press of the arrow button, so you could sweep across land to make ditches and rivers etc.

I tried setting the bulldozer controls to an analog control, like on my joystick, but none of them work. Ironically, my joystick and the bulldozer controls work for unit movement and camera movement, but not for bulldozer. LOL.

Also, if you're missing the arrow, before reinstalling, press H. If it comes back, don't reinstall. biggrin_o.gif

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ok, i found the latest tool. Its is working as it should be smile_o.gif

latest version of Vistor3 -> here

thanks. smile_o.gif

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I have the problem that I already have the newest Version of Visitor3 and can nevertheless not see the huge arrow with the cube. I am pressing H button as a maniac crazy_o.gif ...but nothings happens. Any Ideas?

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A complete un-installation then re-installation of the latest tool release (this includes the P virtual drive and it's contents) has been an effective solution in every other case I know of.

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Thanks for the replys guys...I´ll try.

hmmm...the only think what is wondering to me is that I uninstalled and reinstalled Visitor about 3 times already, but these trys still hasnt take any effect. I havent used the link given by bravo6 yet, so I put lots of hope in it.

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Thanks for the replys guys...I´ll try.

hmmm...the only think what is wondering to me is that I uninstalled and reinstalled Visitor about 3 times already, but these trys still hasnt take any effect. I havent used the link given by bravo6 yet, so I put lots of hope in it.

yup, its probably because you are using the old version of Visitor3 wich did not had the white indicator square.

Do what was suggested above and your problem will probably disapear.

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Oh dear...now I have another big Problem.... Well.. how to get started??

I downloaded the BIS tool pack and noticed that I already have that pack downloaded and Visitor installed with that. I thought by my self that it cant be bad to install the P drive again...so I installed Visitor and P drive. Back in Visitor I tried to run Buldozer and got shocked...suddenly Buldozer wasnt running but I got this error message:


I got wondered a lot..pressed OK and got this message:


that was all

I thought that the Problem was the bin.pbo, so I got it again from the ArmA main directory and placed it again into P:\bin (extracted of course, with unpbo from Amalfie..as I did the very first time).

But the errormesage still gets up each time I try to run Buldozer..It seems that it wasnt a good idea to reinstall the P drive....what can I do?

Hope you can help me

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I fixed my Problem...For some reason the bin folder was located in P:\bin\bin...so Visitor couldnt find it.... rofl.gif


but by the way...the arrow courser with the cube still not appear

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Ok...what else can I do?

- I installed the latest V3 version (including uninstalling and reinsatlling the P drive)

- I added the UI.pbo and UIfonts.pbo to the P:\ca directory (unpacked of course).

- I also created the ArmaAddons.txt file and added the respective order to the System preferences....

but of any those things I did, I still cant use that $§"&%(/%!"§" (censored) Arrow and its cube to edit the terrain in Buldozer mode. banghead.gif

But I could need it so much....

Isnt there another way to fix that problem..

Please... help.gif

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Great...doesnt anyone have a idea?

May it be that I mustnt unpck the UI.pbo and UIFonts.pbo? I´ll gonna try it...

Is this option so less used that noone knows the needed solution?

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