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Q: Removing mag counter and the map

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After several search attempts on thise forum and the ofpec forum I was wondering if it is possible to "hide" the map and the magazine counter for the player.

Also is it possible to "hide" messages? Like in tekst mesages witch players type in chat?

This to make the mission more real.

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The showMap false command in a script or init line or showMap = 0; in the Description.ext will hide the map and instead the player will just see a black background.

The only way I know to disable the mag counter and chat messages is via custom addons.  There are a couple out there that will do this if you want to require them with your mission.

There is an alternative of creating a custom cut or title resource display to hide those parts of the screen via a script but then you have black (or whatever color) boxes on the screen which might be ok for the mag counter but definitely awkward to cover the whole chat area of the screen.

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You should probably also check the showGPS command, as that will enable/disable the mini map (as well as the GPS).

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Thx Loyalguard and HitmanFF, I can disable the map and the gps for all players but is it also possible to hide show it to just a few players?

About the mag thing: to bad it cant be disabled. The great thing about arma is its moddability but also its minor thing. If you want to play you need to have the addons.

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...I can disable the map and the gps for all players but is it also possible to hide show it to just a few players?

Yes.  For example, if you only want group leaders to be able to see the map you could do something like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

showMap false;

if (leader group player == player) then {showMap true};

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Okay I have a neww question.

I want to disable the radio (if it is possible) for everybody exept for the radioman and the higest ranking player. I was think of using maybee the laserdesignator or batterie as a radio

?"_x hasWeapon {LaserDesignator}"

=> this would check if player has a "radio", right?

But how then could I make it check if a player is in range with the radio man(lets say 1m away) and is the highest ranking player (not only in his group but overall/ or just his group)


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_x is sumthin usually for foreach command.

try this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if ("LaserDesignator" in weapons player) then


showRadio true;

} else {

showRadio false;


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