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Silenced weapons

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Hi everybody!

I have searched the forum but couldn't find anything, so please forgive me if this has been asked before.

I'm making a night mission where you have to sneak in a hotel to get a general.

But I get spotted each and everytime I fire a shot successfully.

Is there any way in hell to get the silenced weapons to really be silenced?



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Try lowering the skill of the enemies. It has an impact on this but I don't know if it is enough for you.

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No, the problem is, the whole side knows my position and comes after me.

Whatever skill I reduce, whichever disableAI I do, they'll still spot me (just shoot at me with various behaviors).

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cant you just set yourself captive while your using primary weapon. ?

this would case you to be nautral to everyone thou.. might not want you wanted..

but you can make it so that you are only captive when your laying down..

other than that i have no ide.. unless you make a weapon addon and remove the sound from it.

Btw Silenced weapons are never 100% silenc

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I know that, however the MP5SD is extremely silent (as opposed to the M4+QD which is quite loud).

It just doesn't change a thing.

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So your problem is that the weapon makes noice or that you get spotted and killed each time?

if its that its makeing noice.. make a addon..

otherwize you can try this workaround..

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_unit = _this select 0;

_sideme = side _unit;

while {(alive _unit)} do


_pos = getpos _unit;

// check if unit is laying down

if (format["%1",animationState _unit] == "amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon" ) then


// seach for iskindof "Man" in a 50 Meter radius

_scan = nearestObjects [(_pos),["Man"], 50];

_count = count _scan;

if (_count > 0) then {

for [{_i=0},{_i < _count},{_i=_i+1}] do


_sidescan = side (_scan select _i);

_obj = (_scan select _i);

_dist = _unit distance _obj;

if ( (_sidescan != _sideme) && (_sidescan != CIVILIAN) && (alive _obj) && (_dist < 50) ) then


_unit setCaptive true;

//} else { _unit setCaptive false;};





_unit setCaptive false;


sleep 0.5;


but it might be to stupid..

while your laying down within a radius of 50 merters of a enemy man you are set captive true.. "Not spotted hopefully."

you can change the animation state to the crouch stated. or even have both..

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