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how do i find out is my mouse has been moved

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i need to know if my mouse has moved.

i have no idea how i can do this,,

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

for [{_i=1},{_i<1000},{_i=_i+1}] do


 _display_i = findDisplay _i;

  _display_i displaySetEventHandler ["MouseMoving","hint format[""%1"",_this]"];


if i Change MouseMoving to KeyUp or KeyDown

it finds display 46 and button code..

any ideas on howto find out if my mouse has been moved?

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maybe i need to be more clearly on this one..

im making a arcade air mission wher you get rankup & upgrades to your aircraft as you score more and more points.

now one of the upgraded is something i called AFC

Advanced flight control:  all the keys has been done.

i now need to finish mouse controles as well..

this is where my problems start.

i assumed displaySetEventHandler worked with "mouse" Handernames..

because they are listed in the User Interface Event Handlers list.. linked by ctrlSetEventHandler which i assume work like something like displaySetEventHandler

Some of the Handlernames:







i tried all of thouse but cant get it to work..

with and without the "on"  part

i also tried with:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_display_i ctrlSetEventHandler ["onMouseMoving","hint format[""%1"",_this]"];

but didnt do any diffrance..

someone please help!

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Checking BIKI User_Interface_Event_Handlers shows that the scope of MouseMoving is limited to a 'control' (see last column).

So I'm not sure if it's even possible at a display level.

The event lists is a combined display/control list, which is a little confusing.

That's correct, you don't need the "on" prefix for UI event names.

(Problably just a typo or reusing variables, but in your last example, you are using a display not a control with ctrlSetEventHandler.)

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Dr_Eyeball if you look closer. you aslo see that

onKeyDown & onKeyDown has control as its scope.

thouse work fine. "without on part"

onMouseButtonDown & onMouseButtonUp should then in teory work the same way. But Thats not the case.

so i am verry confused atm.

what i need is onMouseMoving. but i am starting to belive that i need some kind of display"dialog" for it..


they are using a mousetracker on a dialog.

i guess its possible to return the X & Y cords inside the dialog.

but i dont want to add a dialiog with a mousepointer in my cockpit. that would be stupid..

i just need to know if there has been changes in the X & Y axis on the mouse.

any ideas or workarounds would be nice.

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