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Ai + Nearest Object

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Anyone reckon its possible to make a function that detects the terrain immediately around the ai, and through extremely complicated math and nearest object calls, to make an Ai possibly use this terrain to his best advantage. (Ie leans and evasive movements plus taking cover.

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Well, I reckon if there's a reliable way to do line-of-sight checks (and if I'm not mistaken that's already been taken care of, forgive my ignorance of scripting), then there might conceivably be some sort of way to create a marker or gamelogic or some such (i'm not sure how it would be done) and move it around to all possible locations within reasonable distance from the unit, checking each location's line of sight information at various heights, and dictating appropriate AI behavior accordingly. But if I'm also not mistaken, it's kind of a pain to even have to imagine doing that, not to mention the processing power it would eat, especially since I believe there are already take-cover algorithms built into the engine- scripters just don't have access to them (they're only called via the in-game command menu).

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I guess something like that could be done but in the end it will be much like trying to make a dead horse run. Takes a lot of work and not gonna be that pretty or fast.

The AI in ArmA2 is supposed to be better in CQB so I wouldn't bother with any epic scripting workarounds for it anymore.

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AFAIK it is possible to some extent. I made some basic but prommising experiments with it but unfortunately I don't have time to develop it further at the moment. I think using FSMs could be better but I don't have time to learn it. Take a look at OFPEC forums.

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AFAIK it is possible to some extent. I made some basic but prommising experiments with it but unfortunately I don't have time to develop it further at the moment. I think using FSMs could be better but I don't have time to learn it. Take a look at OFPEC forums.

FSM's could be a way to do it perhaps but the FSM's you have control over are not used when your troops are in combat as far as I understand (hard coded game engine FSM's take control at that point).

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Oh the processing power would be enormous, and can you imagine over TEN soldiers doing it at once? Yuck tounge2.gif .

Just an idea flying through my head, and I just wondered if it might be possible in maybe an easier way then the gamelogic based idea (etc).

What am I looking for on OFPEC forums? Unless your saying I should post this?

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