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Sights replacement, AI engagement, etc.

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I have a few questions and I need some help,

1) I've replaced some of the original optics of the SJB WP with the ones that come with FFUR SLX 2007 (all for my personal use only), and though the aimpoint and the ACOG optics work alright, the iron sights optics of the M4 and the M16 shows a white splash every time I shoot. I assume it has something to do with the muzzle flash of the weapon, but since I don't see it happening with the aimpoint and the ACOG I really don't know how to solve it. Besides that, I see that most sights have an SD version, and I don't know what's the difference, optics-wise. Does it have something to do with the muzzle flash suppressor of the SD weapons? Anyway what's the relation between the sight .p3d file and the muzzle flash of the the weapon, if any?

2) How do you define the distance at which the AI will engage with a given weapon at a given target? I've read many mods saying they tweaked that distance, but in my game the AI still does not try to shoot at me afar 200 mts.

3) An easy one I guess. How do you make the AI to shoot air targets with, let's say, MGs and RPGs? I've seen the AI to engage a Havok helicopter with their unguided RPGs, until then I thought that was not possible.

Thanks a lot in advance.


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Quote[/b] ]1) I've replaced some of the original optics of the SJB WP with the ones that come with FFUR SLX 2007 (all for my personal use only), and though the aimpoint and the ACOG optics work alright, the iron sights optics of the M4 and the M16 shows a white splash every time I shoot. I assume it has something to do with the muzzle flash of the weapon, but since I don't see it happening with the aimpoint and the ACOG I really don't know how to solve it. Besides that, I see that most sights have an SD version, and I don't know what's the difference, optics-wise. Does it have something to do with the muzzle flash suppressor of the SD weapons? Anyway what's the relation between the sight .p3d file and the muzzle flash of the the weapon, if any?

If the flash is working (not being a white box) for the mod you took it from, it means the model is not finding the flash texture.

To see where it is , open the pbo that has the ironsight model.

If the model is binarized (ODOL), download "P3D Swap texture utility" from that page

install it and open the iron sight that gives you problem with it.

You will see all the textures (and so the flash textures as they are part of the model) used , and you will be able to quickly notice which pbo you don't have.

If the model is not binarized (MLOD) , download Texture Path swap from this page

It works the same, open the model with the program and you will have the texture list, you will then notice which pbo is missing in your \ownmod\addons\ folder

SD versions of the sights have the flash removed from the optic model, so when you fire there is no flash appearing when you are looking from optics, like the BIS HK weapon by example.

Quote[/b] ]2) How do you define the distance at which the AI will engage with a given weapon at a given target? I've read many mods saying they tweaked that distance, but in my game the AI still does not try to shoot at me afar 200 mts.

For the weapon engagement ranges,

look into the class CfgAmmo of a config, you will notice each ammo have values like :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> minRange=..






this is what is deciding the range of the weapons (in fact defined by the ammo), you will have to experiment a bit with that to find values that are good for you.

another important value is

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">cost=....

The more high is this value, the less the AI will want to use the weapon that has this ammo (if you want an AI vehicle that has several kind of ammo, by giving different cost you can influence this AI to use more an ammo than another)

And finally, the AI must have noticed the target that sounds obvious, but in OFP it is something special.

By default in OFP the AI is nearly blind and unless you are standing up at 100/200m of it, most of the time the AI will not even see when you are either lying down or more than 200m away, even if there is nothing to hide, no tree no bushes and you have a huge "kill me" sign on you.

So look for the value

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sensitivity=....;

and experiment around it to see the differences, this can easily make the AI a lot more deadly as with correct value it could then spot you the same as you can spot it.

Look values from some mods to see what they are using for each units/vehicles.

additionally the value that control the "ears" of an AI is

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sensitivityEar=....

Quote[/b] ]3) An easy one I guess. How do you make the AI to shoot air targets with, let's say, MGs and RPGs? I've seen the AI to engage a Havok helicopter with their unguided RPGs, until then I thought that was not possible.

3 factors :


the threat value of the vehicule/unit

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">threat[]={A,B,C};

A is the value for infantry

B for vehicle

C for aircraft

the higher a value is , the more interested in attacking this target your unit/vehicle will be


mean that the unit want to attack aircraft, but will certainly ignore every infantry and ground vehicles.


in the ammo definition of the weapon you want to be able to engage aircraft, you must have

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">airLock=1;


for the AI if the target armor is considered as being too high for the damage value of the weapon (ammo in fact), the AI will not fire at the target, even if it could destroy it after spending lot of time on it (like destroying a Mi-24 with a M60 after spending all your ammo, because of the bad damage model of OFP)

So if you have the 2 previous factors right but the AI continue to not engage the target, either lower the armor of the target or increase the damages of the weapon/ammo used.

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You did it again Sanctuary. Thanks you very much.


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