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The Recluse campaign

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Number of missions: 6


Music: custom & ingame

Sound: ingame + custom, no speech!

Difficulty: medium/hard


Year 2003. War on Sahrani is near end. Defeat of American troops becomes fact. Although, Pentagon resolved to bring true ace - Nicholas Berg – one of the best specialists in infiltration. 8 years ago Nicholas – in fact of wrong tactic decision – lost his squad and then he spent almost 4 years in extremely conditions in African bush. As part of IRU (Individual Recon Unit) he stomps in brutal, bloody war zone. But he will never participate in massive battles. His advantage is night. Flair, experience and high skills will lead him to complete secret operations in Sahrani area.


Author allows to install, run and use this campaign without any restrictions. However if you will start to edit this file just inform me via mail. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.


To play this campaign the following addons are required:

2nd Marine Expeditionary Force by Dren - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2100

EditorUpdate_v102 - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=953

EBU SOCOM 1.4 by Ebud - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=886

Soviet T-72 and BMP-2 by plasman - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1580

Marpat Marines Pauliesss by BOSS & Pauliesss - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2312

And of course ArmA version 1.08


*fps lose in mission nr 2

*incorrect AI behaviour in mission nr 4

*some inaccurate camera angles in cutscenes

*some bloops in dialogues due to my far-from-perfect English

Notes from author!

All bugs, tips, impressions and asks send on ejay@arma2.pl or PM in BiS forums.

VERY Important!

It's my first campaign. I'm beginner in missiommaking, but I've done a lot of things to done The Recluse fresh and funny. I think it's fair enough biggrin_o.gif I wish you will enjoy it as much as I do. It's not a final version of campaign. I'm still waiting for next patch, which (I hope so) fix many bugs with AI behaviour.

And now... link to download - http://ejay.arma2.pl/Therecluse_1_11.zip - 17,7 MB


The Recluse 1.01 download

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Campaign will be tuned into 1.11 standards. Due to some reasonable fixes in AI behaviour I'll release new version of campaign in few days. I hope you really enjoyed this one.

Best reagrds!

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I've completed this campaign and I must say, this is the campaign, which is sometimes better than the original from ArmA. Is is really good. The Story isn't perfect, but it have some nice moments. The Main Character "Nicholas" is based on James Gastovski, what can make very happy. Who didn't like this character in original Flashpoint? The Campaign ist short, but the Author made great job and it is easy to see, how many work he did with this. It is very nice, hard and exiting. I can recommend it for everyone, who is fan of Flashpoint and ArmA and like the missions with snipers and night. My note is: 9-/10. Play this and you will return to the old times with Flashpoint and character like James Gastovski.

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The Recluse v. 1.00



- Fixed: Sound error during mission 1

- Fixed: Environment details in mission 1

- Fixed: Dialogue mistakes in mission 1

- Fixed: Patrol waypoints in all missions

- Fixed: Briefing links in few missions

- Added: GPS and compass added to player's equipment

- Added: Outro after final mission

- Changed: New campaign overview picture


All bugs, tips, impressions send to PM or post here on this topic.

Download Link

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- Fixed: missing addon error in 5th mission

- Fixed: whole campaign tuned to 1.12 standards



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Are you okay with me doing a non addon version (besides EU)?

And an ACE edition of it? smile_o.gif

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Well, I haven't any plans to do non-addon version. Default desert camo wouldn't fit in Nothern Sahrani areas... But if you want to do some changes, you have my permission. Just PM me what would you change smile_o.gif

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Thanks eJay!

We will only replace class to BI for the start.

People can use addon replacements to get desert units too. smile_o.gif

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The Recluse v 1.02

- Fixed: M113 waypoints in 5th mission (now travel takes less time than before)

- Fixed: Bug where player becomes invisible for enemy

Also, campaign has been reviewed by OFPEC site - Review

Download Link 1 - OFpec

Download Link 2 - Arma-zone.pl

Download Link 3 - Armaholic


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