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Random spwaning

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Hello all smile_o.gif

I'm currently designing a mission that have 8 players that need to spawn eight different places at random.

By this i mean, that i have 8 markers on the map. The 8 players should spawn RANDOM at any of these markers upon starting the mission. The 8 players should all start at a different marker, no 2 players should spawn at the same spot.

I've searched the forums a bit, but haven't found anything applicable in my scenario. Any thoughts?

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Try one of these:

SQF format

Quote[/b] ]

// array of the units

_playerarray = [unitname1, unitname2, unitname3, unitname4, unitname5, unitname6, unitname7, unitname8];

// array of the marker names (remember double quotes "")

_markerarray = ["marker1", "marker2", "marker3", "marker4", "marker5", "marker6", "marker7", "marker8"];

// loop through playerarray and move each player to a marker selected randomly

for[{_i=0},{_i<(count _playerarray)},{_i=_i+1}]



_currentplayer = _playerarray select _i;

_randommarker = _markerarray select (floor(random(count _markerarray)));

_currentplayer setpos (getmarkerpos _randommarker);

_markerarray = _markerarray - [_randommarker];


SQS format:

Quote[/b] ]

; array of the units

_playerarray = [unitname1, unitname2, unitname3, unitname4, unitname5, unitname6, unitname7, unitname8]

; array of the marker names (remember double quotes "")

_markerarray = ["marker1", "marker2", "marker3", "marker4", "marker5", "marker6", "marker7", "marker8"]

; loop through playerarray and move each player to a marker selected randomly



?(_i>=(count _playerarray)): goto "end"

_currentplayer = _playerarray select _i

_randommarker = _markerarray select (floor(random(count _markerarray)))

_currentplayer setpos (getmarkerpos _randommarker)

_markerarray = _markerarray - [_randommarker]


goto "markerloop"


You can put as many players and markers as you want as long as there is at least one marker for each player (yes, you can put more markers than players to randomize it even more).

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Thats perfect ! Just what i was looking for smile_o.gif

Will try it out right away.

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Wow, this script is great for a lot of things; it's exactly what I've been trying to figure out for urban scenarios (random insurgents popping in at unexpected locations, for example). Heck, enough of these scripts in a mission and you can have call of duty style gameplay, except more dynamic tounge2.gif

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Is it possible to have all the players randomly respawned ? I mean all together without the need to be grouped.

Also is it possible to advise from where we must call this script (trigger - marker - player init .......).


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Yeah, there should be a few ways to cause several units to spawn at the same randomly selected marker. I took the liberty of modifying the above sqs script for my own missions, and did it thusly:

[in this example, you can move any number of troops in 5-man increments to randomly selected markers. you could easily make this 8, 9, 12, whatever. if you want one of the sets of troops to be less than that number, you can just fill it with game logic units instead of soldiers to take up the empty space.]

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_manarray = [t00, t01, t02, t03, t04, t00_1, t01_1, t02_1, t03_1, t04_1, t00_2, t01_2, t02_2, t03_2, t04_2, t00_3, t01_3, t02_3, t03_3, t04_3, t00_4, t01_4, t02_4, t03_4, t04_4]

_markerarray = ["m00", "m01", "m02", "m03", "m04", "m05", "m06", "m07", "m08", "m09", "m0a", "m0b", "m0c", "m0d", "m0e", "m0f"]



?(_i>=(count _manarray)): goto "end"

_randommarker = _markerarray select (floor(random(count _markerarray)))

"x1" setmarkerpos getmarkerpos _randommarker

"x2" setmarkerpos [(getmarkerpos _randommarker select 0) + 1.5, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 1) + 1, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 2) + 1]

"x3" setmarkerpos [(getmarkerpos _randommarker select 0) + 3, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 1) + 2, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 2) + 2]

"x4" setmarkerpos [(getmarkerpos _randommarker select 0) - 1.5, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 1) + 1, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 2) + 1]

"x5" setmarkerpos [(getmarkerpos _randommarker select 0) - 3, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 1) + 2, (getmarkerpos _randommarker select 2) + 2]

_xa = ["x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"]



?(_j>=(count _xa)): goto "cont"

_currentman = _manarray select _i

_currentmarker = _xa select _j

_currentman setpos (getmarkerpos _currentmarker)



goto "populate"


_markerarray = _markerarray - [_randommarker]

goto "markerloop"


Also, keep in mind that for the above script, you must place "dummy markers" anywhere in your map named x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5. These are used in calculating the positions to spawn the troops once a marker has been selected. This is probably the sloppiest area of my script, as you don't really need to do it that way. I just like the way it makes sense to me wink_o.gif

[Edit: You may also notice that this starts each set of five units out in a compact wedge facing south. If they're grouped, you'll see them move around after being spawned to get themselves into a more proper formation. You can add some code to the script to get them to watch a certain direction or target too, but it's largely mission dependent unless someone has a nice elegant way to put them in tactically advantageous orientations smile_o.gif

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Thanks a lot dwringer

much obliged

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