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Gear loadout

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Hi community,

I tried to search the biki and the forum, but didnt find the answer so now i gotta ask.. huh.gif

I want a mission to start with the player has a gear/weapon loadout screen so he can choose his loadout for the mission, and i also want to customize the loadout, to limit the choices..

I am sure its possible, just not how...??


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I am sorry i am not sure how, can you or someone explain to me how... in simple steps for a noob.... biggrin_o.gif

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If you haven't made a mission yet, create a mission and save it (doesn't matter if you put anything in it yet).

If you have a mission already, then thats fine.

Go to My Documents/ArmA Other Profiles/yourplayername/Missions/YourMissionName or MPMissions/YourMissionName

Create a .txt file named description.ext

Make sure its .ext, not .txt.ext.

Open it up, and put the code from this link in:


Add more weapons by following the same format.

Get the class names for the weapons here:


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I have a weird problem confused_o.gif in my mission (with description) gear not show up! And unit name in star/briefing screen is empty and i can't choose gear ...

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probably made a mistake in your file.

Save this as your Description.ext or check it with yours to see where and if you went wrong

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// BAS f - Gear Snippets

// Version: 0-0-1 (2007-01-01)

// Author(s): Fer

// Note: Thanks to Biki contributors for compiling the ArmA core information.

class Weapons


// ArmA - Weapons PBO - West and Resistance Weapons

class M16A2 {count = 24;};

class M16A2GL {count = 24;};

class M16A4 {count = 24;};

class M16A4_GL {count = 24;};

class M16A4_ACG {count = 24;};

class M16A4_ACG_GL {count = 24;};

class M4 {count = 24;};

class M4GL {count = 24;};

class M4AIM {count = 24;};

class M4A1SD {count = 24;};

class M4SPR {count = 24;};

class M4A1 {count = 24;};

class M4A1GL {count = 24;};

class G36K {count = 24;};

class G36C {count = 24;};

class G36A {count = 24;};

class MP5A5 {count = 24;};

class MP5SD {count = 24;};

class M249 {count = 24;};

class M240 {count = 24;};

class M24 {count = 24;};

class M107 {count = 24;};

class M9 {count = 24;};

class M9SD {count = 24;};

class M136 {count = 24;};

class JAVELIN {count = 24;};

class STINGER {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - East Weapons

class AK74 {count = 24;};

class AK74GL {count = 24;};

class AKS74U {count = 24;};

class AKS74UN {count = 24;};

class AKS74PSO {count = 24;};

class PK {count = 24;};

class SVD {count = 24;};

class KSVK {count = 24;};

class Makarov {count = 24;};

class MakarovSD {count = 24;};

class RPG7V {count = 24;};

class STRELA {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - Misc.

class Laserdesignator {count = 24;};

class NVGoggles {count = 24;};

class Binocular {count = 24;};


class Magazines


// ArmA - Weapons PBO - West and Resistance Magazines

class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 24;};

class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_G36 {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5 {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD {count = 24;};

class 200Rnd_556x45_M249 {count = 24;};

class 100Rnd_762x51_M240 {count = 24;};

class 5Rnd_762x51_M24 {count = 24;};

class 10Rnd_127x99_M107 {count = 24;};

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9 {count = 24;};

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD {count = 24;};

class M136 {count = 24;};

class JAVELIN {count = 24;};

class STINGER {count = 24;};

class FlareWhite_M203 {count = 24;};

class FlareGreen_M203 {count = 24;};

class FlareRed_M203 {count = 24;};

class FlareYellow_M203 {count = 24;};

class 1Rnd_HE_M203 {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - East Magazines

class 30Rnd_545x39_AK {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_545x39_AKSD {count = 24;};

class 100Rnd_762x54_PK {count = 24;};

class 10Rnd_762x54_SVD {count = 24;};

class 5Rnd_127x108_KSVK {count = 24;};

class 8Rnd_9x18_Makarov {count = 24;};

class 8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD {count = 24;};

class PG7V {count = 24;};

class PG7VR {count = 24;};

class FlareWhite_GP25 {count = 24;};

class FlareGreen_GP25 {count = 24;};

class FlareRed_GP25 {count = 24;};

class FlareYellow_GP25 {count = 24;};

class 1Rnd_HE_GP25 {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - Misc.

class HandGrenade {count = 24;};

class HandGrenadeTimed {count = 24;};

class SmokeShell {count = 24;};

class SmokeShellRed {count = 24;};

class SmokeShellGreen {count = 24;};

class PipeBomb {count = 24;};

class TimeBomb {count = 24;};

class Mine {count = 24;};

class MineE {count = 24;};

class Laserbatteries {count = 24;};


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