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Guest Titanium

Black op missions, where is the best place for em?

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Guest Titanium

I'm going to make a black op mission but i dont kno where i should go to do so? I like taking strategic targets such as airstrips and docks. But where do you feel is the coolest and best place for a black op mission?

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Well Black Ops pretty much operate anywhere the enemy is so anywhere is good. My personal favirote is the jungle though. But me and my bro are just finishing up a Delta level in the desert and its very tactical at points. All I have to say is think of a mission and think of the coolest place it should be and put it there. Lata

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Also you could jump into a humvee or a chopper (kiowa),

and move around the islands to find some locations.

Usually, when i'm doing this i find several places, and while

watching them, my brain starts working out new ideas for

what to do there.

So best you can do is, search for locations, watch them

from all views (also from enemy view). If you got the right

idea, every location could be good.

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