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Mando Bombs questions

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Hi Mandoble, i have a few questions regarding to your fresh released script.

1.I want to start it by a trigger, so is it ok when i move the complete part out of init.sqf into a custom script file and call it from a trigger?

2. I want them to drop more bombs in one run instead of two, what to change?

3. I want to remove the side-messages

4. I want the planes to get deleted a few seconds after their last bombrun, what i need to add?

5. I found out that it is also working when you place the planes waiting on a airport - they will then start automatically... BUT:

As soon as the mission starts they will start their engines.... is there a way that they only start the engines when the trigger i wnat to use is triggered?

Regards, Christian

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Ok, here my conclusion after testing:

1. is working

2. Don't know how but not important

3. done

4. not yet done but i guess i know how-to

5. done via "xxxx setfuel 0" and in the trigger "xxxx setfuel 1"

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Quote[/b] ]Ok, here my conclusion after testing:

1. is working

how did you get it to work via trigger mate ?

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Quote[/b] ]Ok, here my conclusion after testing:

1. is working

how did you get it to work via trigger mate ?

Pretty easy:

1. I place all planes at the runways on the airports and gave all them inside their init-lines this code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">VEHICLENAME setfuel 0

Vehiclename replace with the name of the plane...

Inside the trigger who should run the bombrun, put this in "on activation":

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">planeX setfuel 1; planeX setfuel 1; planeX setfuel 1; nul= [] execVM "bombrun1.sqf";

Replace the "planeX" with the nameS of your planes for attack

then inside of bombrun1.sqf i have this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (!isserver) Exitwith {true};

Sleep 1;

// Plane1 will perform two consecutive attack runs against main targets



_scr = [planex2, getMarkerPos "lturm", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex2, dschkm_hill, false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex2, tent1, false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex2, ags_1, false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex2, getMarkerPos "t_6", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

sleep 15;

deleteVehicle planex2;


// Plane2 will perform two consecutive attack runs against multiple targets



_scr = [plane2, getMarkerPos "bridge", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [plane2, dschkm_hill2, false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [plane2, d30_1, false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [plane2, d30_2, false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [plane2, getMarkerPos "t_1", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

sleep 15;

deleteVehicle plane2;


// Plane3 will perform two consecutive attack runs against other targets



_scr = [planex3, getMarkerPos "t_2", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex3, getMarkerPos "t_3", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex3, getMarkerPos "t_4", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex3, getMarkerPos "t_5", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

_scr = [planex3, getMarkerPos "t_7", false, [2, 0, -2]]execVM"mando_bombs.sqf";

waitUntil{scriptDone _scr};

sleep 15;

deleteVehicle planex3;


Of course you must edit this for your needs, your selected planes and your targets/markers and place both this file AND the "mando_bombs.sqf" inside your missions folder.

Then its rocking very good

Regards, Christian

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