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Arma CTD's when i try to mp edit

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I get some strange description.ext file errors i can't open arma mp to load the mission cause it ctd's arma right away..

Here is description.ext file where its something wrong but im no good coder and i tried adding way to many scripts into one mission i think confused_o.gif

anyways its BAS F + Doolittles Cti scripts and also Ofpec's ILS and Spoon core and Spoon radar and Support pack v2.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // ============================================================================================

// BAS f - Mission Header

// Version: 1.0

// Author(s): Snake aka Commando84 scripts by Doolittle, BAS, Spooner, Michael and (BIS)

class Header


gameType = Team;

minPlayers = 1;

maxPlayers = 60;


// ============================================================================================

// BAS f - Respawn Settings

// Version: N/A

// Author(s): N/A (BIS)



// ============================================================================================

// BAS f - Loading Screen Text

// Version: N/A

// Author(s): N/A (BIS)

onLoadMission = "Long time warefare (Team 60)";

OnLoadMissionTime = False;

// ====================================================================================

// Doolittle CTi scripts

titleParam1 = "Money given every:";

valuesParam1[] = {10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70};

defValueParam1 = 20;

textsParam1[] = {"10 seconds", 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70};

titleParam2 = "Money earned per city:";

valuesParam2[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500};

defValueParam2 = 200;

textsParam2[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500};

// ============================================================================================

// BAS f - Gear Snippets

// Version: 0-0-1 (2007-01-01)

// Author(s): Fer

// Note: Thanks to Biki contributors for compiling the ArmA core information.

class Weapons


// ArmA - Weapons PBO - West and Resistance Weapons

class M16A2 {count = 24;};

class M16A2GL {count = 24;};

class M16A4 {count = 24;};

class M16A4_GL {count = 24;};

class M16A4_ACG {count = 24;};

class M16A4_ACG_GL {count = 24;};

class M4 {count = 24;};

class M4GL {count = 24;};

class M4AIM {count = 24;};

class M4A1SD {count = 24;};

class M4SPR {count = 24;};

class M4A1 {count = 24;};

class M4A1GL {count = 24;};

class G36K {count = 24;};

class G36C {count = 24;};

class G36A {count = 24;};

class MP5A5 {count = 24;};

class MP5SD {count = 24;};

class M249 {count = 24;};

class M240 {count = 24;};

class M24 {count = 24;};

class M107 {count = 24;};

class M9 {count = 24;};

class M9SD {count = 24;};

class M136 {count = 24;};

class JAVELIN {count = 24;};

class STINGER {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - East Weapons

class AK74 {count = 24;};

class AK74GL {count = 24;};

class AKS74U {count = 24;};

class AKS74UN {count = 24;};

class AKS74PSO {count = 24;};

class PK {count = 24;};

class SVD {count = 24;};

class KSVK {count = 24;};

class Makarov {count = 24;};

class MakarovSD {count = 24;};

class RPG7V {count = 24;};

class STRELA {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - Misc.

class Laserdesignator {count = 24;};

class NVGoggles {count = 24;};

class Binocular {count = 24;};


class Magazines


// ArmA - Weapons PBO - West and Resistance Magazines

class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 24;};

class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_556x45_G36 {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5 {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD {count = 24;};

class 200Rnd_556x45_M249 {count = 24;};

class 100Rnd_762x51_M240 {count = 24;};

class 5Rnd_762x51_M24 {count = 24;};

class 10Rnd_127x99_M107 {count = 24;};

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9 {count = 24;};

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD {count = 24;};

class M136 {count = 24;};

class JAVELIN {count = 24;};

class STINGER {count = 24;};

class FlareWhite_M203 {count = 24;};

class FlareGreen_M203 {count = 24;};

class FlareRed_M203 {count = 24;};

class FlareYellow_M203 {count = 24;};

class 1Rnd_HE_M203 {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - East Magazines

class 30Rnd_545x39_AK {count = 24;};

class 30Rnd_545x39_AKSD {count = 24;};

class 100Rnd_762x54_PK {count = 24;};

class 10Rnd_762x54_SVD {count = 24;};

class 5Rnd_127x108_KSVK {count = 24;};

class 8Rnd_9x18_Makarov {count = 24;};

class 8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD {count = 24;};

class PG7V {count = 24;};

class PG7VR {count = 24;};

class FlareWhite_GP25 {count = 24;};

class FlareGreen_GP25 {count = 24;};

class FlareRed_GP25 {count = 24;};

class FlareYellow_GP25 {count = 24;};

class 1Rnd_HE_GP25 {count = 24;};

// ArmA - Weapons PBO - Misc.

class HandGrenade {count = 24;};

class HandGrenadeTimed {count = 24;};

class SmokeShell {count = 24;};

class SmokeShellRed {count = 24;};

class SmokeShellGreen {count = 24;};

class PipeBomb {count = 24;};

class TimeBomb {count = 24;};

class Mine {count = 24;};

class MineE {count = 24;};

class Laserbatteries {count = 24;};


// ============================================================================================


#include "SPON\Core\ui\common.hpp"

#include "SPON\Core\ui\debug.hpp"

#include "SPON\Radar\ui\radar.hpp"

// ============================================================================================


class RscTitles


#include "ofpec_ils\ofpec_ilstitles.h"








class ofpec_title1


type = 0;

idc = -1;

style = 48 + 2;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.04;

text = "ofpec_ils.paa";

x = 0.0;

y = 0.0;

w = 1;

h = 1;


class ofpec_title2


type = 0;

idc = -1;

style = 256;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

text = "www.ofpec.com";

font = "Bitstream";

sizeEx = 0.04;

x = 0.78;

y = 0.94;

w = 0.2;

h = 0.025;




#include "ofpec_ils\ofpec_ilsdialog.h"

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

#include "ofpec_ils\ofpec_ilssounds.h"

//Support pack v2 by Michael

#include "SupportV2\AirStrike\Napalm\sounds\sounds.hpp"


// ============================================================================================

//Doolittle CTi scripts

#define ReadAndWrite 0

#define VSoft 0

#define VArmor 1

class RscPicture {

access = ReadAndWrite;

type = VSoft;

idc = -1;

style = 48;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

font = "TahomaB";

sizeEx = 0;

lineSpacing = 0;

text = "";


class CA_Mainback : RscPicture {

x = 0.35;

y = 0.8;

w = 0.3;

h = 0.2;

text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_gradient_start_gs.paa";

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.9};


class CA_Back : CA_Mainback {

x = 0.29;

y = 0.38;

w = 0.56;

h = 0.57;

text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_gradient_reverse_gs.paa";


class CA_Title_Back : CA_Mainback {

x = 0.29;

y = 0.38;

w = 0.56;

h = 0.57;

text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_gradient_title_gs.paa";

colorText[] = {0.24, 0.47, 0.07, 1};


class RscText {

access = ReadAndWrite;

type = VSoft;

idc = -1;

style = 0;

w = 0.1;

h = 0.05;

font = "TahomaB";

sizeEx = 0.04;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

text = "";


class CA_Title : RscText {

x = 0.3;

y = 0.39;

w = 0.4;

h = 0.05;

style = 0;

font = "Zeppelin32";

sizeEx = 0.0286458;

colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};


class RscListBox {

access = ReadAndWrite;

type = 5;

style = 0;

w = 0.4;

h = 0.4;

font = "Zeppelin32";

sizeEx = 0.0208333;

rowHeight = 0;

color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

colorScrollbar[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

colorSelect[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

colorSelect2[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

colorSelectBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.8};

colorSelectBackground2[] = {0.709, 0.972, 0.384, 1};

soundSelect[] = {"", 0.1, 1};

period = 0;

colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};


class RscButton {

type = VArmor;

style = 0;

x = 0;

y = 0;

w = 0.0975;

h = 0.04;

font = "Zeppelin32";

sizeEx = 0.02474;

colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

colorDisabled[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};

colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

colorBackgroundActive[] = {0.709, 0.972, 0.384, 1};

colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.8};

offsetX = 0.003;

offsetY = 0.003;

offsetPressedX = 0.002;

offsetPressedY = 0.002;

colorFocused[] = {0.709, 0.972, 0.384, 1};

colorShadow[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

colorBorder[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

borderSize = 0.0;

soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1};

BacsoundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1};

soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1};

soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1};


class RscDisplayMain {

idd = 10513;

movingEnable = 1;

access = ReadAndWrite;

class controlsBackground {

class CA_Background : CA_Mainback {

x = 0.26375;

y = 0.28268;

w = 0.51;

h = 0.35;


class CA_Secondary_Background : CA_Back {

x = 0.27125;

y = 0.34268;

w = 0.495;

h = 0.23;


class CA_Title_Background : CA_Title_Back {

x = 0.27125;

y = 0.29268;

w = 0.495;

h = 0.04;

moving = 1;



class controls {

class CA_Title : CA_Title {

idc = 10514;

x = 0.27125;

y = 0.29268;

w = 0.48;

h = 0.04;

colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

text = "";


class Available_items : RscListBox {

idc = 10515;

x = 0.27125;

y = 0.34268;

w = 0.495;

h = 0.23;

onLBDblClick = "dummy = [lbCurSel 10515, false] spawn createcode";


class ButtonToggle : RscButton {

idc = 10516;

x = 0.3575;

y = 0.58268;

h = 0.04;

text = "With crew";

toolTip = "Buy highlighted item with crew";

default = 0;

sizeEx = 0.0208333;

OnButtonClick = "dummy = [lbCurSel 10515, true] spawn createcode";


class ButtonOK : RscButton {

idc = 1;

x = 0.49625;

y = 0.58268;

h = 0.04;

text = $STR_DISP_OK;

toolTip = "Buy highlighted item and close dialog";

default = 0;

sizeEx = 0.0208333;

OnButtonClick = "dummy = [lbCurSel 10515, false] spawn createcode";


class ButtonCancel : RscButton {

idc = 2;

x = 0.635;

y = 0.58268;

h = 0.04;


toolTip = "Close dialog";

default = 0;

sizeEx = 0.0208333;




this is my init file

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



// BAS f - BAS Server Logic Failsafe

// Version: 0-0-1 (2007-07-23)

// Author(s): zx64

// Thanks: rom | Serclaes


if (isServer) then


if (isNil("BAS_Server_Logic")) then


createCenter sideLogic;

_g = createGroup sideLogic;

"Logic" createUnit [[0,0,0], _g, "BAS_Server_Logic = this"];



// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Local Variables

// Version: 0-0-5 (2007-05-21)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor


f_script_setLocalVars = [] execVM "f\common\f_setLocalVars.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - AI Skill Selector (Coop Version)

// Version: 0-0-5 (2007-05-16)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

// Translators: Donnervogel | Serclaes | Messiah2 | Gaia | FireflyPL | Kanotson | Varry

f_isFriendlyBLU = 0;

f_isFriendlyRES = 0;

f_isFriendlyOPF = 0;

f_isFriendlyCIV = 1;

// [] execVM "f\common\f_setAISkill.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - AI Skill Selector (Attack & Defend Version)

// Version: 0-0-2 (2007-05-16)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

// Translators: Donnervogel | Serclaes | Messiah2 | Gaia | FireflyPL | Kanotson | Varry

f_isFriendlyToBLU_RES = 0;

f_isFriendlyToBLU_CIV = 1;

// [] execVM "f\common\f_setAISkillAD.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Multiplayer Ending Controller

// Version: 0-0-3 (2007-05-21)

// Author(s): Fer | Rom | Raedor

f_endSelected = -1;

[] execVM "f\common\f_mpEndSetUp.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Automatic Body Remover (FIFO Version)

// Version: 0-0-2 (2007-07-25)

// Author(s): Raedor

// f_abrFIFOlength = 30;

// f_abrDistance = 150;

// f_abrFIFOmaxLength = 50;

// f_doNotRemoveBodies = [];

// ["fifo"] execVM "f\common\f_addRemoveBodyEH.sqf";

// [] execVM "f\server\f_abrFIFO.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Hide Enemy Objectives

// Version: 0-0-3 (2007-05-21)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

f_objectives_BLU = ["1","2","3","4","5","6"];

f_objectives_OPF = ["7","8","9","10","11","12"];

f_objectives_RES = ["13","14","15","16","17","18"];

f_objectives_CIV = ["19","20","21","22","23","24"];

// #include "f\common\f_hideEnemyObjectives.sqf"

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Authorised Crew Check

// Version: 0-0-4 (2007-05-21)

// Author(s): Fer | Rom | eJay | Raedor

// Translators: Donnervogel | Serclaes | Messiah2 | Gaia | FireflyPL | Kanotson | Varry

// VehicleName addEventhandler ["GetIn", {[_this,[UnitName1,UnitName2]] execVM "f\common\f_isAuthorisedCrew.sqf"}];

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Authorised Crew Type Check

// Version: 0-0-1 (2007-06-6)

// Author(s): Fer | Rom | eJay | Raedor

// Translators: Donnervogel | Serclaes | Messiah2 | Gaia | FireflyPL | Kanotson | Varry

// VehicleName addEventhandler ["GetIn", {[_this,["UnitType1","UnitType2"]] execVM "f\common\f_isAuthorisedCrewType.sqf"}];

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Kegetys Spectator Script for ArmA

// Version: 1-01 (BAS f Edit)

// Author(s): Kegetys

// [] execVM "f\common\f_spect\specta_init.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Dynamic View Distance

// Version: 0-0-4 (2007-05-21)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

f_viewDistance_default = 1250;

f_viewDistance_tank = 2000;

f_viewDistance_rotaryWing = 2500;

f_viewDistance_fixedWing = 5000;

// [] execVM "f\common\f_addSetViewDistanceEHs.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - ShackTactical - Group IDs

// Version: 0-0-3 (2007-09-10)

// Author(s): Kevb0 | zx64 | Fer | Messiah2

// [] execVM "f\common\ShackTac_setGroupIDs.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - ShackTactical - Fireteam Markers

// Version: 0-0-2 (2007-07-19)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

// [] execVM "f\common\ShackTac_setlocalFTMarkers.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - ShackTactical - Fireteam Markers (Addon Version)

// Version: 0-0-1 (2007-07-19)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

// [] execVM "f\common\@ShackTac_setlocalFTMarkers.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - ShackTactical - Markers

// Version: 0-0-7 (2007-07-23)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

// [] execVM "f\common\ShackTac_setLocalMarkers.sqf";

// ShackTac_requireRadio = 0;

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - ShackTactical - Markers (Addon Version)

// Version: 0-0-2 (2007-07-23)

// Author(s): Fer | Raedor

// [] execVM "f\common\@ShackTac_setLocalMarkers.sqf";

// ShackTac_requireRadio = 0;

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Casualties Cap

// Version: 0-0-5 (2007-05-25)

// Author(s): Fer | Headspace

// [[f_GrpBLU11A],100,1] execVM "f\server\f_endOnCasualtiesCap.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// BAS f - Casualties Cap (Advanced)

// Version: 0-0-1 (2007-10-05)

// Author(s): Fer

// [[f_GrpBLU11A],100] execVM "f\server\f_casualtiesCapAdv.sqf";

if (true) exitWith {};

//Spoon Core

[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "SPON\Core\initCore.sqf";

//Spoon radar

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "SPON\Radar\initRadar.sqf";

sleep 0.01;

player addAction ["Radar (2 km / 2s / Map)", "radarAction.sqf", [2, 1, true]];

player addAction ["Radar (5 km / 3s)", "radarAction.sqf", [5, 3]];

player addAction ["Radar (10 km / 4s)", "radarAction.sqf", [10, 4]];

player addAction ["Radar (10 km / 4s / Map)", "radarAction.sqf", [10, 4, true]];

player addAction ["Radar (25 km / 4s)", "radarAction.sqf", [25, 4]];

player addAction ["Radar (25 km / 4s / Map)", "radarAction.sqf", [25, 4, true]];

player addAction ["Radar (50 km / 4s)", "radarAction.sqf", [50, 4]];

player addAction ["Radar (50 km / 4s / Map)", "radarAction.sqf", [50, 4, true]];

player addAction ["Radar (100 km / 4s)", "radarAction.sqf", [100, 4]];

player addAction ["Radar (350 km / 10s)", "radarAction.sqf", [350, 10]];

hint "-= SPON Radar demo =-\n\nUse your actions to view radar set to specific ranges, rotational period and whether to show

the, admittedly unrealistic, outline map.\n\nPress <escape> to leave the radar view, allowing you to choose another setting.";

// waitUntil

// {

// _pos = getPos player;

// _pos set [0, (_pos select 0) - 50];

// // _pos set [1, (_pos select 1) + 5];

// _pos set [2, 10000];

// player setPos _pos;

// };

//Doolittle CTI scripts init

three_team_map = true;

civ = civilian;

guer = resistance;

playermoney = 0;

playerweap1 = "";

playerweap2 = "";

playermarker = "";

weatherlogicstr = "";

timelogicstr = "";

selectweaponcode = {

private ["_obj"];

_obj = _this select 0;

if (vehicle _obj != _obj) exitWith {};

removeAllWeapons _obj;

{_obj addMagazine _x} forEach (_this select 2);

{_obj addWeapon _x} forEach (_this select 1);

switch (primaryWeapon _obj) do {

case "M16A2GL": {_obj selectWeapon "M16Muzzle"};

case "M16A4_GL": {_obj selectWeapon "M16Muzzle"};

case "M16A4_ACG_GL": {_obj selectWeapon "M16Muzzle"};

case "M4GL": {_obj selectWeapon "M4Muzzle"};

case "M4A1GL": {_obj selectWeapon "M4Muzzle"};

case "AK74GL": {_obj selectWeapon "AK74Muzzle"};

default {_obj selectWeapon primaryWeapon _obj};


_obj switchMove "";


equipcode = compile preprocessFile "equip.sqf";

westteam = ["w0", "w1", "w2", "w3", "w4", "w5", "w6", "w7", "w8", "w9", "w10", "w11", "w12", "w13", "w14", "w15", "w16",

"w17", "w18", "w19"];

eastteam = ["e0", "e1", "e2", "e3", "e4", "e5", "e6", "e7", "e8", "e9", "e10", "e11", "e12", "e13", "e14", "e15", "e16",

"e17", "e18", "e19"];

if (three_team_map) then {

guerteam = ["g0", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g6", "g7", "g8", "g9", "g10", "g11", "g12", "g13", "g14", "g15",

"g16", "g17", "g18", "g19"];

} else {

guerteam = [];


allteam = westteam + eastteam + guerteam;

flagobjarray = [flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6, flag7, flag8, flag9];

if (isServer) then {{_x setFlagTexture ""} forEach flagobjarray};

flagnamearray = ["Paraiso", "Chantico", "Bonanza", "Somato", "Vallejo", "Arcadia", "Ortego", "Dolores", "Cayo", "Iguana"];

flagownerarray = [civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian];

flagownerstr = "";

flagcount = count flagownerarray;

sideflagsfunc = {

private ["_flags", "_i"];

_flags = [];

for [{_i = 0}, {_i < flagcount}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {

if (flagownerarray select _i == _this) then {_flags = _flags + [flagobjarray select _i]};




nearestfunc = {

private ["_nearest", "_dist", "_d"];

_nearest = objNull;

_dist = 100000;


if (not isNull _x and alive _x) then {

_d = (_this select 0) distance _x;

if (_d < _dist) then {_dist = _d; _nearest = _x};


} forEach (_this select 1);



nearpowerfunc = {

private ["_t", "_return"];

_t = typeOf (_this select 0);

if (_t == "Land_trafostanica_mala" or _t == "UralCivil" or _t == "Truck5tRepair" or _t == "Truck5tReammo" or _t ==

"UralRepair" or _t == "UralReammo" or _t == "CampEmpty" or _t == "HeliH") then {


} else {

_return = false;


if (alive _x and typeOf _x == "Land_trafostanica_mala" and _x distance (_this select 0) < 100)

exitWith {_return = true};

} forEach (_this select 1);




nearestbuildfunc = {

private ["_buildarray", "_nearest", "_dist", "_d"];

_buildarray = switch (side _this) do {

case west: {westbuild};

case east: {eastbuild};

case resistance: {guerbuild};

default {[]};


_nearest = objNull;

_dist = 50;


if (not isNull _x and alive _x and typeOf _x != "Land_trafostanica_mala" and typeOf _x != "Land_budova5") then


_d = _this distance _x;

if (_d < _dist and [_x, _buildarray] call nearpowerfunc) then {_dist = _d; _nearest = _x};


} forEach _buildarray;

if (not isNull _nearest) exitWith {_nearest};

_dist = 2000;


if (not isNull _x and alive _x and typeOf _x == "Land_Vysilac_FM") then {

_d = _this distance _x;

if (_d < _dist and [_x, _buildarray] call nearpowerfunc) then {_dist = _d; _nearest = _x};


} forEach _buildarray;



respawnarrayfunc = {

private ["_buildarray", "_return"];

_buildarray = switch (_this) do {

case west: {westbuild};

case east: {eastbuild};

case resistance: {guerbuild};

default {[]};


_return = [];


if (typeOf _x == "HeliH" or (alive _x and typeOf _x == "Land_budova5" and [_x, _buildarray] call

nearpowerfunc)) then {_return = _return + [_x]};

} forEach _buildarray;



buildnamefunc = {

switch (_this) do {

case "Land_trafostanica_mala": {"Power"};

case "Land_budova4": {"Barracks"};

case "Land_bouda3": {"Garage"};

case "Land_garaz_mala": {"Ammo Depot"};

case "Land_repair_center": {"Repair Shop"};

case "Land_majak": {"Harbor"};

case "Land_garaz": {"Tank Factory"};

case "Land_budova5": {"Respawn"};

case "Land_SS_hangar": {"Airport"};

case "Land_Vysilac_FM": {"Radio"};

case "UralCivil": {"Ural"};

case "Truck5tRepair": {"Repair"};

case "Truck5tReammo": {"Ammo"};

case "UralRepair": {"Repair"};

case "UralReammo": {"Ammo"};

case "CampEmpty": {"Camp"};

case "HeliH": {"Helipad"};

default {"Unknown"};



buildarrayfunc = {

private ["_return"];

_return = [];


if (_x select 0 == _this select 0) exitWith {

if (count (_x select 1) > 1) then {

switch (_this select 1) do {

case west: {_return = (_x select 1) select 0};

case east: {_return = (_x select 1) select 1};

case resistance: {_return = (_x select 1) select 2};


} else {

_return = (_x select 1) select 0;



} forEach buyarray;



nearcityfunc = {

private ["_city"];

_city = [_this, largecityarray] call nearestfunc;

if (not isNull _city and _city distance _this < 500) then {


} else {

_city = [_this, mediumcityarray] call nearestfunc;

if (not isNull _city and _city distance _this < 250) then {


} else {

_city = [_this, smallcityarray] call nearestfunc;

if (not isNull _city and _city distance _this < 150) then {


} else {






getrolefunc = {

if (vehicle _this == _this) then {


} else {

if (commander vehicle _this == _this) then {


} else {

if (gunner vehicle _this == _this) then {


} else {

if (driver vehicle _this == _this) then {


} else {







assignrolecode = {

private ["_unit", "_veh"];

_unit = _this select 0;

_veh = _this select 1;

unassignVehicle _unit;

switch (_this select 2) do {

case "ALONE": {};

case "COMMANDER": {_unit moveInCommander _veh};

case "GUNNER": {_unit moveInGunner _veh};

case "DRIVER": {_unit moveInDriver _veh};

case "CARGO": {_unit moveInCargo _veh};



radioalpha = true;

radioalphacode = compile preprocessFile "useaction.sqf";

radiobravo = true;

radiobravocode = {

[playerSide, "AirBase"] sideChat "Disbanding all AI currently commanded to wait";


if (currentCommand _x == "EXPECT") then {_x setDamage 1};

} forEach units player;


radiocharlie = true;

radiocharliecode = {

private ["_units"];

[playerSide, "AirBase"] sideChat "Disbanding and rejoining AI so that Command Bar is sorted";

_units = units player - [player];

_units joinSilent grpNull;

_units joinSilent player;


radiodelta = true;

radiodeltacode = {

private ["_v"];

_v = vehicle player;

if (_v != player and effectiveCommander _v == player) then {

if (getPos _v select 2 < 5 and vectorUp _v select 2 < 0.1) then {

_v setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];

[playerSide, "AirBase"] sideChat "Fixing overturned vehicle";


if (damage _v < 0.1 and (_v isKindOf "Car" or _v isKindOf "Motorcycle")) then {

_v setDamage 0;

[playerSide, "AirBase"] sideChat "Fixing tires";


} else {

[playerSide, "AirBase"] sideChat "Unable to fix overturned vehicle or flat tire";



radioecho = true;

radioechocode = {

private ["_buildarray", "_markercount", "_name"];

_buildarray = switch (playerSide) do {

case west: {westbuild};

case east: {eastbuild};

case resistance: {guerbuild};

default {[]};


[playerSide, "AirBase"] sideChat "Marking on your map in black where you cannot build and also in yellow the range of

any radio tower";

_markercount = 0;


if (typeOf _x == "Land_Vysilac_FM" and alive _x and [_x, _buildarray] call nearpowerfunc) then {

_name = format ["zonemarker%1", _markercount];

createMarkerLocal [_name, getPos _x];

_name setMarkerSizeLocal [2000, 2000];

_name setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow";

_name setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";

_name setMarkerBrushLocal "FDiagonal";

_markercount = _markercount + 1;


} forEach _buildarray;


_name = format ["zonemarker%1", _markercount];

createMarkerLocal [_name, getPos _x];

_name setMarkerSizeLocal [150, 150];

_name setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack";

_name setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";

_name setMarkerBrushLocal "FDiagonal";

_markercount = _markercount + 1;

} forEach smallcityarray;


_name = format ["zonemarker%1", _markercount];

createMarkerLocal [_name, getPos _x];

_name setMarkerSizeLocal [250, 250];

_name setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack";

_name setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";

_name setMarkerBrushLocal "FDiagonal";

_markercount = _markercount + 1;

} forEach mediumcityarray;


_name = format ["zonemarker%1", _markercount];

createMarkerLocal [_name, getPos _x];

_name setMarkerSizeLocal [500, 500];

_name setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack";

_name setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";

_name setMarkerBrushLocal "FDiagonal";

_markercount = _markercount + 1;

} forEach largecityarray;

_markercount spawn {

private ["_i", "_name"];

sleep 30;

for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _this}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {

_name = format ["zonemarker%1", _i];

deleteMarkerLocal _name;




mapclickfunc = compile preprocessFile "mapclick.sqf";

onMapSingleClick "[_pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call mapclickfunc";

playerconnfunc = compile preprocessFile "playerconn.sqf";

onPlayerConnected "[_id, _name] call playerconnfunc";

[] execVM "advancetime.sqf";

[] execVM "checkalivebuild.sqf";

if (isServer) then {

[] execVM "setupbase.sqf";

[] execVM "ai.sqf";

[] execVM "flagcap.sqf";

[] execVM "vehrespawn.sqf";

[] execVM "cleanup.sqf";

[] execVM "environment.sqf";

[] execVM "checkend.sqf";

publicVariable "param1";

publicVariable "param2";


titleText ["Prepare for deployment", "BLACK FADED"];

sleep 0.01;


//enableRadio false;

//disableUserInput true;

//Support pack v2 by Michael

[] execVM "SupportV2\Support_CFG.sqf";

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I had this the other day, and I was missing a ";" at the end of a line. Possibly a similar issue, but your Description.ext is much more comprehensive than mine. I can see a few places where it might be relevant, but I'm not sure. Someone who knows more will probably be able to do it straight away for you.

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I believe we can either stare on this piece of text for a couple of hours, or you could share the Exact error message you get when you crash out, because that should point directly to what's wrong smile_o.gif

In any case, the amount of used resources/dialogs/scripts has nothing to do with this smile_o.gif

Anyway, on first sight I would say:

You have Class CfgSounds defined somewhere in the top, with an include for sounds from ofpec etc.

In the end you include another file that seems to include sound configuration:

#include "SupportV2\AirStrike\Napalm\sounds\sounds.hpp"

You probably have to re-evaluate how the sounds are setup smile_o.gif


Seems I was right.

Change supportv2\airstrike\napalm\sounds\sounds.hpp to:


Change Description.ext to:


The difference is that we now include the sound classes directly in the Class CfgSounds at the OFPEC ILS.

Also you didn't comment all comment lines.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//

=========================== Is not allowed inside configs nor scripts

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// =========================== is

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that was just nice graphics inside the document i though whistle.gif

the / parts.

well im in school but in a few hours i will give your changes a try smile_o.gif

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ok i had one h to many in the description.ext but now when i try the mission the a.i wont move at all and it seems like the cti scripts aren't even starting :P the a.i's are just standing still and stuff.

Also how many params can you have? i saw this part in the init file <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] execVM "advancetime.sqf";

[] execVM "checkalivebuild.sqf";

if (isServer) then {

[] execVM "setupbase.sqf";

[] execVM "ai.sqf";

[] execVM "flagcap.sqf";

[] execVM "vehrespawn.sqf";

[] execVM "cleanup.sqf";

[] execVM "environment.sqf";

[] execVM "checkend.sqf";

publicVariable "param1";

publicVariable "param2";

But i have already param1 and param2 in description.ext saying this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Doolittle CTi scripts

titleParam1 = "Money given every:";

valuesParam1[] = {10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70};

defValueParam1 = 20;

textsParam1[] = {"10 seconds", 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70};

titleParam2 = "Money earned per city:";

valuesParam2[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500};

defValueParam2 = 200;

textsParam2[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500};

also im trying to figure out how to have built / spawned vehicles have the Ils ability with this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"]

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publicVariable "param1" aswell as "param2" is useless.

param1 and param2 are known for server, clients and jip clients. So I would remove it smile_o.gif

There are only 2 params because there's only 2 fields in the mission selection screen.

spawn the vehicle like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_veh = "A10" createVehicle _pos;

_veh addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"];

Simply depends on your code and intentions but I guess you get the idea?

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i dunno the script i have say they need param1 and param2 and since its a mp mission i think it has to have those Jip stuff working.

smile_o.gif i dunno where to put those exactly but i guess it could be in the vehicle spawn script somewhere tounge2.gif

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