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Fast Rope?

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So A few months ago I saw a mod that was in development that was going to add Fast Rope / Rapel mod. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of its progress? Also is it MP compatible and is it complete? Ive been waiting for a good rapel mod /script that works in MP and it still seems dry even after being gone for about 3-4 months.

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Ello mate,

  Quite a few mods have this (option/effect) under development in various stages and incarnations.

Certainly SP isnt too hard to sort out but I cant speak about MP just now myself.

If you check out at OFPEC then you'll find a funky scripted version of a rappel which no doubt will be of use to you in terms of referrence.

Mods tend to be a bit tight mouthed when speaking about their work a lot of the time sadly.

Lets hope that someone can resurrect the funky ladder pickups of BAS's heyday!

I've lost a lot of sleep trying to understand MP scripting and get it working properly but then again - this game is best online ( I never play the SP ) so lets make it more gucci


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