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Completed claymores, need testing.

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Yeah that's really the only way to do dust & sand kicked up by kinetic shock. Trying to get it to zoom out and suddenly stop is impossible with the ArmA particle system, I find that your mind usually fills in what "must" have happened when dust suddenly appears smile_o.gif

But I think the blast of outward particles overlaying the dust is quite a good look actually. I lost the explosion that the shell originally had as from what I've seen on Liveleak Claymore explosions doesn't have any place.

You can definately see a flash of flame as the claymore blows in videos, as for the smoke particles... Wouldn't it be possible to create an initial expanding smoke effect with a very short duration and as it is expanding place the static smoke in there? So you get the illusion of billowing smoke?

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You can definately see a flash of flame as the claymore blows in videos

Yeah you can but nothing like the config-based effect. I lost that & will replace with my own.

as for the smoke particles... Wouldn't it be possible to create an initial expanding smoke effect with a very short duration and as it is expanding place the static smoke in there? So you get the illusion of billowing smoke?

This is what I'm experimenting with the combination of tweaked config explosion and my scripted smoke. I think if the config blast is tweaked to fade out just so, and the scripted smoke is tweaked to fade in just so, the combination would be effective.

It's fiddly getting the smoke to react to wind realistically, but I think I can do it. If I make the lower particles less responsive to wind and the upper particle more responsive to wind, the particles would blow away as in the various footages I've seen. Otherwise the whole lot blows away as one group which doesn't look too great. That's the problem with long-lasting standing smoke effects biggrin_o.gif

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Pingu, I found a minor bug with the Claymore.

If a Claymore detonates by tripwire AND the player is in a scoped view (such as a sniper scope) then a removeAction error is reported.

I guess it's because the detonated Claymore's actions can not be removed as they're not there while in scoped view.

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I dunno how to detect that. Was the action stuck on your screen?

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is there a possibillity in the future to add the mines as static objects with 5, 10, 15 and 20m trip wires?

so that you could place them in the mission editor.

or use some kind of scripting where you set direction and legth of the trip wire in the init field?

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