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Markers to appear when only 1 side is in town.

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Well, now i have got an idea. MY idea is that i make something similar like in sector control ( MP mission).

1)On my map i should have markers appear when town controlled by me in green, when east -red, and when nobody or fights lets say unknown marker. Well, i have made it that far that when west goes in trigger appears green flag, when east red, but those are 2 different markers and one of them is on top of another. So there needs to be a better script i think.

2) When i write markername setmarkertype "flag" flag doesnt show, but shows objective marker. Thats annoying, perhaps it bug in game or need to reinstall?

I hope i have explained this right and you understand what i mean. Perhaps there is a tutorial for this thing, but i have searched this forum and just the

"markername" setmarkertype "flag"

script appeared.


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perhaps i have explained it too strange.

Biggest issue is that when i write setmarkertype it shows "objective" marker.Thats not what i want to be shown on a base.

The other question may be: How to make not icons to show up when trigger activated from empty, but how to make solid marker (Rectangle with red or green stripes) to show up when something happens

I think now the questions are easier to understand.

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Quote[/b] ]Biggest issue is that when i write setmarkertype it shows "objective" marker.Thats not what i want to be shown on a base.

"flag" indeed will display an objective drawing, it is just wrongly named.

To display a flag, you need to use

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"yourmarkername" setmarkertype "flag1"

Quote[/b] ]

The other question may be: How to make not icons to show up when trigger activated from empty, but how to make solid marker (Rectangle with red or green stripes) to show up when something happens

BIS used several triggers for their sector control MP missions, so maybe if you don't have hundred of zones, it may just be easier to use some triggers without real performance loss.

I made a simple example (and so easy to understand) with a marker zone that takes different color for those 4 different conditions :

-None is inside

-West unit is inside

-East unit is inside

-West -and- East units are inside

Get the example mission there


Just extract the ZoneColorTest.Intro fodler and put it in your

Operation Flashpoint\Users\YourUserName\missions , no addon needed

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thnx a lot. This really helps. smile_o.gif

BTW, is it possible to make an solid or grid type marker to appear when something happens, like with icon type markers?

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Quote[/b] ]when something happens, like with icon type markers?

Didn't quite understand that bit, but the basic idea is that you can have any type of markers to apear on the map when 'something happens'.

If I remember right, all markers have to be created before hand in the editor. If you don't want to reveal them to the player at start you set their size to 0,0 in editor. Then you can control them with commands setmarkersize and setmarkercolor during the mission using either scripts or triggers or whatever.

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If you want to hide an icon, simply set its type to "Empty". Markers can't be created on the fly in OFP, with the exception of markers created by a player by double-clicking on the map which can be detected like:

"_USER_DEFINED #0/n" setMarkerSize [2,2]

Where n = the nth marker placed starting from 0

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