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Tutorials for starters

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I am trying to learn to make missions but I want to learn as much as I can and the FAQ's help only goes so far. I actually want tutorials that go step by step etc....

Also I am a bit foggy on synchronization's

In the end I hope to create campaigns even with cutscenes etc...

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Download the Uber Editor tutorial , a 300 pages manual for OFP mission editing that goes step by step and is explaining nearly every part of mission making very well.

A must have OFP editing ressource for every mission maker.

You can get it here or there

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Thank you and If I may ask is there anything that covers campaigns ?. Im seeking to make a ww3 campaign.

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Be sure to read everything about mission editing at http://www.ofpec.com/ it has more than enough information for you to get going. Check the Editors Depot and the forum.

First go through everything OFPEC's Editors Depot has about mission editing, then ask in the forums if you still have questions!

Happy editing  thumbs-up.gif

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I cant seem to find the briefing and overview maker tool mentioned in the uber tutorial.

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