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flicking distant landscape texture

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i use only 1 texture, pisek.mco. the heightmap has been smoothed with a blur , but i think it's more texture related anyway .

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My experience has been that white grid squares indicate more than 4 colors in your mask file in that grid. I've made that mistake myself. I understand you have only one texture - make sure that your mask is absolutely one solid color. A little bit of dithering will add hundreds of colors.

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oaky thanks , i will create a new mask 100% red

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i redone the mask png , it's 100% red solid color , 8bit color. As you can see, there is still these flicking square.

map size = 2048 x 12.5m

mask and sat image = 2048 x 2048

sattelite grid = as recommended

i didn't smooth the landscape with visitor3. i will try to do it now.

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You say you're using only one texture "pisek.mco" ?

That's not even a detail texture. Are you using just that texture? You need three textures for each surface type:

*name_detail_co.paa (Detail texture)

*name_nohq.paa (Normalmap)

*name_mco.paa (multiply color map)

*plus one RVMAT.

Also remember that it needs an underscore"_" after the texture name so that the engine know what texture type it is, that would make it pisek_mco not pisek.mco.

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