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More battlefield information

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I was thinking about this for quite some time now, when making my own missions I always create my teams to have different roles.

So Team Alpha would just be to take down enemy troops

Bravo to take out any Armor and support Alpha

Charlie could be my Armor team etc

What I love to have while playing in Team Alpha is to know how the other teams are doing. So if Bravo starts engaging Armor and is not able to support me.

I like to know when Bravo is winning or losing, if Charlie is being called by Bravo and if they are able to support Alpha as well.

So some more information and COMMUNICATION between teams, groups, squads, platoons would really add some immersion and make an full scale attack a bit more clear DURING the attack

What do you guys think? And if this is allready scriptable in ArmA (on this scale) can you send me the script? :P

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Excellent ideas. I think some missions in OFP simulated this aspect, but imagine AI commanders and human squad leaders getting dynamic orders depending on what's happening and the changing objectives. It also leads on to retreat being a viable option in a mission.

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