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I have problems with our lol arma dedicated server, well the server is great and the game runs good to but the server.cfg is not working , strange it gets his admin pass from there and some other stuff but the hostname does not work and also the motd does not works eighter , i checked the paths to the config file all seems to be ok i compared my cfg file to other working ones seems to be ok to ...

Any suggestions because our name of the server is now inteltest and should be [LOL]Majors so not many ppl will regonise this inteltest as a LOL coop server.



you can also contace me at our forum www.nakedsquid.com.

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If you paste the server.cfg here i'm sure we'll quickly be able to see if you made a mistake with it or not smile_o.gif

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If you paste the server.cfg here i'm sure we'll quickly be able to see if you made a mistake with it or not smile_o.gif


Iam sure this config.cfg  is good and there are no mistakes in there.

I might be the beta linux dedi thats buggy .....



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Could you post your config nonetheless, as well as the command line you're using to start the server?

I've had no problems with the server's name under linux, so most likely cause is either the config or the command line to start the server.

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Could you post your config nonetheless, as well as the command line you're using to start the server?

I've had no problems with the server's name under linux, so most likely cause is either the config or the command line to start the server.

somebody did check this config file but ok perhaps he did oversee something just like i were able to do afcourse.


// server.cfg


// comments are written with "//" in front of them.

// password = "xxxxxxxxxxx";

// password = "asdf";

password = "";

passwordAdmin = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";


// Welcome message ("message of the day")


    "Welcome to the LOL ArmA server muppets .",

    "Hosted by soundportal.at and vt100.at.",

    "With special thanks to nr23"

    "This is a VET server no 3th view no respawn no crosshair",

    "Please visit us at www.nakedsquid.com",

    "Send your missions to admin@armed-assault.nl"


motdInterval=1; // seconds

voteMissionPlayers=3;     // Require voting for missions when 3 players connect


reportingIP = "armedass.master.gamespy.com";        // Use armedass.master.gamespy.com

checkFiles[]={};          // List of files to check for identity

kickDuplicate=1;          // Do not allow duplicate player id's

equalModRequired=1;       // Require equal mod, ie either the exact same -mod=... parameter list

                          // or no mods at all

class Missions


cadetMode = 0;


// some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification

//verifySignatures=1; // check signatures

//onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected

//onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0);" // unsigned data detected

//MaxMsgSend = 1024;

// MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

// MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;

//MinBandwidth = 50000000;

// MaxBandwidth = 110000000;

// MinErrorToSend = 0.01;

// MaxCustomFileSize = 256000;







The server is linux so if iam correct the path to the config should be in armaserver file i checked those path's  and they seems to be right .

Also strange the game gets the adminpass trough this config right ? so there must be a error in this config file .

Greetings and lots of thx for the fast reply

Happy new year

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Quote[/b] ]I have problems with our lol arma dedicated server, well the server is great and the game runs good to but the server.cfg is not working , strange it gets his admin pass from there and some other stuff but the hostname does not work and also the motd does not works eighter

Prob because you need to add -config=server.cfg command

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There`s a mistake in your file i guess...

It should be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "With special thanks to nr23",


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MinBandwidth=65536000;


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As Buliwyf said:

Quote[/b] ]File server.cfg, line 9: Config: '"' encountered instead of ','

Furthermore the bandwidth parameters shouldn't go in this config file, but in arma.cfg instead.

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There`s a mistake in your file i guess...

It should be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "With special thanks to nr23",


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MinBandwidth=65536000;



Yep i have found that a day before i did post this post here. so this is a backup file but i did add the "," to the line in the motd.

the bandwidth should that give any problems ? anyway i try to remove that .

the commandline  -config=config.cfg  ? should i put that to the armaserver file ? after /server ?  if i read the armasever script right then it says CONFIG=server.cfg so that should do the job, dont ?

Greeets and thx for the fast reply.


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for windows it looks like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">:root

arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -port=3608 -profiles=C:\Profiles\ -name=2ndtry -maxmem=512

goto :root

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for windows it looks like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">:root

arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -port=3608 -profiles=C:\Profiles\ -name=2ndtry -maxmem=512

goto :root

YOu must be joking right ?

Iam running Linux dedi you cant compare that .



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I have manners,And you just dont call me boy ok ? Perhaps you are but iam not a boy anymore , I just asked if it was a joke,as you can see i wrote that we were running LINUX ,  if you knew me a bit you know i did not ment te be rude .

Thx for the info  .. but there is nothing there  i been there before i came here to ask if you ppl know anything .

I also let other check the files , i did compare it also to other working files  .



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@ Jan. 01 2008,01:36)]the commandline -config=config.cfg ? should i put that to the armaserver file ? after /server ? if i read the armasever script right then it says CONFIG=server.cfg so that should do the job, dont ?

In armaserver the name of the config file is set like you stated (CONFIG=server.cfg).

You could check to see if you're editing the correct file, as you might have both config.cfg and server.cfg.

Last but not least, try running the server (for testing purposes) straight from the command line, to check the result: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">./server -config=server.cfg -port=2302

PS: Though the windows and linux server differ in details, the config and command line options are basically the same.

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@ Jan. 01 2008,01:36)]the commandline  -config=config.cfg  ? should i put that to the armaserver file ? after /server ?  if i read the armasever script right then it says  CONFIG=server.cfg so that should do the job, dont ?

In armaserver the name of the config file is set like you stated (CONFIG=server.cfg).

You could check to see if you're editing the correct file, as you might have both config.cfg and server.cfg.

Last but not least, try running the server (for testing purposes) straight from the command line, to check the result: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">./server -config=server.cfg -port=2302

PS: Though the windows and linux server differ in details, the config and command line options are basically the same.


So much thx for the info and help from you ppl .

I asked serveral ppl who i thought they were good , i know the best ppl are in our own community right here so thats why i asking here after looking for weeks on the net for a solution, checked path's , scripts etc.

I compare it to other working files also the same ,

Iam about to do a new clean install because i really dont know wots going on , i dont see much ppl having the same problem , well its the path to the config or the config does not work at all, but it gets the serveradmin pass from there so iam puzzeled .

Greet and lots of thx all.


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Config file is working now smile_o.gif hostname is changed to [LOL]Majors Coop motd is working .

Only 1 problem left we are not visible in gamespy serverlist.

I did use reportip = armass.blahblah gamespy.com but still not in serverlist.

any suggestions ?



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Mine work with this :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">reportingIP="armedass.master.gamespy.com";

+ make sure you don't have an ipfilter/iptables rule blocking outgoing and incoming connections. If you have, you should open the correct outgoing and incoming ports for your server to reach the master gamespy server (don't remember the port # out of my head, it should be somewhere in the links provided by Q).

My own iptables filter inbound traffic, I've ports 2302 & 2303 opened (I disabled VoN so I don't need 2305)

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@ Jan. 02 2008,13:23)]Config file is working now smile_o.gif hostname is changed to [LOL]Majors Coop motd is working .

Might be interesting for future reference to tell us what the problem was, and how you fixed it ;-)

@ Jan. 02 2008,13:23)]Only 1 problem left we are not visible in gamespy serverlist.

I did use reportip = armass.blahblah gamespy.com but still not in serverlist.

You can leave out the reportingIP statement altogether from your config file, as it's set to the right gamespy server by default. So by not having a reportingIP statement in, your server should show up in the gamespy server listing.

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@ Jan. 02 2008,13:23)]Config file is working now smile_o.gif hostname is changed to [LOL]Majors Coop  motd is working .

Might be interesting for future reference to tell us what the problem was, and how you fixed it ;-)

@ Jan. 02 2008,13:23)]Only 1 problem left    we are not visible in gamespy serverlist.

I did use  reportip = armass.blahblah gamespy.com but still not in serverlist.

You can leave out the reportingIP statement altogether from your config file, as it's set to the right gamespy server by default. So by not having a reportingIP statement in, your server should show up in the gamespy server listing.


Are you sure because i wrote that if you leave it blank you runs a private server and wont showup in list.

I solved the problem already it shows up in server but not in coop server list so i have to make sure my coop mission is loaded on server , it does when i enter the server it seems so this way gamespy can not see if its coop or other server i guess , so i have find a way to let the mission load on server when nobody is on i guess.

The mission who is writen in mission class loads as soon i enter.

How i solved the other problems i just used a new config file and typed every singel line by hand restarted the server and armaserver service and things were not perfect but at least when i used "grep server" i saw that the config was loaded and this did not happend before.

It would be perfect if we showed up among the COOP servers

So back to the drawingboard for this last issue

Anyway lots of thanks for all the help here you ppl are great.



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Isn't it the mission played that determine where you end up in the end?

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@ Jan. 02 2008,14:58)]Are you sure because i wrote that if you leave it blank you runs a private server and wont showup in list.

If you enter<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">reportingIP = ""; then your server will be private, but if you delete the line completely, it will default to the right gamespy master server.

I've set up a few servers like this, and they all show up as expected wink_o.gif

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@ Jan. 02 2008,14:58)]Are you sure because i wrote that if you leave it blank you runs a private server and wont showup in list.

If you enter<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">reportingIP = "";

then your server will be private, but if you delete the line completely, it will default to the right gamespy master server.

I've set up a few servers like this, and they all show up as expected wink_o.gif

Well that sound logic to me smile_o.gif

Now i have to see that we are visable in COOP server list .

I dont now how it gos if you play the mission i guess you return to assign page of the last mission. but if the last player leave the game then the mission stops and i think it will take the settings from config.cfg and lot the mission class if its there .

I have to check this smile_o.gif

Greetings and thx again.


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@ Jan. 02 2008,16:00)]I dont now how it gos if you play the mission i guess you return to assign page of the last mission. but if the last player leave the game then the mission stops and i think it will take the settings from config.cfg and lot the mission class if its there .

If you want the mission to keep running even if everyone has left the server, you need to set the persistent flag in your server config:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">persistent=1;.

That way your server will show up running a coop mission even if nobody is present wink_o.gif

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@ Jan. 02 2008,16:00)]I dont now how it gos if you play the mission i guess you return to assign page of the last mission. but if the last player leave the game then the mission stops and i think it will take the settings from config.cfg and lot the mission class if its there .

If you want the mission to keep running even if everyone has left the server, you need to set the persistent flag in your server config:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">persistent=1;


That way your server will show up running a coop mission even if nobody is present wink_o.gif

thx smile_o.gif

again thx a lot ..



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Well this is not were i was looking for wink_o.gif

ITs more that if you filter the serverlist with Cooperative then our server is not there so it can not see what Type of server we are running ,so if you dont filter then you see under Type nothing thats blank and other servers you see COOP .

I have loaded a coop mission in mission class , is there any place were i should put Type = Coop or something like that ?



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