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Very slow lod draw-in on zoom.

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One of the things that makes ArmA awful on my computer is the amount of LOD draw-in. When I zoom my view, trees look like flowers blossoming, bushes sprout up etc. I can see it draw-in almost poly by poly and then disappear the same way when I zoom out. I have tried playing with the settings, but maybe I am missing something. My rig is old, but certainly not the worst I have seen on the BI forums. Makes me feel like I am playing on an N64.

P4 3.2, 2GB dualchannel Corsair ram, x850xt 256MB agp. I think my main weakness is my crappy aopen i865PEa-7IF.

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I get this a little too. It's not the most annoying little bug for me but I still wish it didn't happen.

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I agree its not the worst bug, but it is this type of graphics issue that most spoils game immersion for me.

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I even go as far and say, it's not a bug!

I think it is a feature.

I find it bad too.

BIS, consider dedicating some time for reducing this visual problem in your future releases.

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