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Infantry selections

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Well, I'm trying hard to get all the selections done correctly on my model which I'm now importing, but it's very tedious and nerve wrecking.

So I have a couple of questions:

is there an easy and fast way to make the selections besides the vert select?

Also, is there any mouse deselect that doesn't deselect the whole damn thing? I've tried alt, ctrl and shift and none of them do what they usually do in all other programs.

Please rescue me before I go coocoo.

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AFAIK there is no eays way to make the relevent selections associated with character models (or any model type for that matter) except for manually selecting each point.

CTRL+SHIFT+LMB Drag can deselect points (or entire sections, depending on the cursor type used).

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Quote[/b] ]Also, is there any mouse deselect

holdong ctrl+shift  you can deselect vertexes

It's gonna be very hard anyway... can't help you - i'm not good at it. Synide is working on some tools so the model can be import/exported in Maya and skinned there. You mat want to contact him

Selections is just one part - weightning in o2 will be even harder wink_o.gif

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