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Ironsights on the acog

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...

How is that possible?

And its allmost right aswell, the function to switch to alternate iron sights is REALLY interesting. But without ammo huh.gifhuh.gif

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That ironsight is the modeloptics view. Unlike in OFP when all sights were 2D textures, in ArmA ironsights are actually you looking down the model's sights, which is pretty cool. However, optics are still depicted by 2D textures and the ACOG is an example of this, but when the weapon is out of ammo it shows the bare modeloptics.

6thsense mod and other mods like ESP utilise that sight for CQB combat,while still allowing you to look through the scope too.

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I was playing in the editor with a BIS soldier (m4 gl + ACOG), when my m4 was out of ammo my acog view switch to that:

p><p>I try to do that an other time but this "bug" doesn

Anyway if this ironsight works, it will be very interesting in CQC.

ps: sorry for my english alt='smile_o.gif'>

That´s not a bug, neither is it BIS made.

That´s 6th sense mod iirc and the gun doesn´t actually need to be dry, its activated by changing firemodes wink_o.gif

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Yeah there is the HK416 with ACOG I believe in the 6th Sense mod that has both the optics view and 3D backup iron sights. There is a slightly reload desynchronization between those two fire modes (actually four since it has single/burst).

It would be really nice for ArmA to have more than one optics view that you could cycle through, eye and eye_2, optics, optics_2, etc in the config and model setup.

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It would be really nice for ArmA to have more than one optics view that you could cycle through, eye and eye_2, optics, optics_2, etc in the config and model setup.

That would be great, especially for the HK G36 so we could use the HKV (Hauptkampfvisier) "Reddot" which is modeled on the BIS G36 but not useable.


Beside that, the RACS would normally use the G36E (E = export) version which has no HKV.

But we can't have everything, can we?

MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

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Multiple sights for all vanilla guns that have multiple ones (like the SVD) would be awesome.

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You can do a mixture of 2D crosshairs and 3D ironsights already in the game. It has a slightly goofy desynchnorization on some reload actions, but an easy bit of smart script might fix that.

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