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Quarterpipe problems

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So I'm trying to make a quarterpipe jump (kind like this one http://rampplans.org:1025/forums/uploads/6ft-quarter-pipe::519x389.jpg ), I got it ingame and I used a roadway LOD for the surface part. However, whenever my vehicle or even player on foot gets to the steeper parts near 90 degrees, they just go through the top portion of the jump as if its not there. I've tried making the gradient more gentle, less segments, more segments, even tried to merge 2 different sections (top/bottem) as the roadway LOD.

How can I fix this, maybe I shouldn't use a roadway LOD?

Also I don't know what LOD defines the collision model, I drive right through the side of the jump.

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You can try moving the roadway LOD about 6 inches above the real model.

geometry LOD does the collision detection

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what about a non vert version ... for now.... miniramp style

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Yeah thats what I have to do, I think arma just cant handle 90 degrees, so this will be a near quarterpipe. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get my texture to work in O2 and ingame, when I import from 3ds it says it can't be found.

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Do you set the right texture path under Tools ---> Mass Texture&Material renaming...?

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No I didn't know about that, I'm trying to figure it out now, I just placed everything directly in the P:\ There are no folders so shouldn't it just find my tga and work.

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Convert the tgas with textview to paa.

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Man no wonder there aren't that many new models for arma, every thing about oxygen is counter intuitive. I got the ramp in game and the textures working once, even though it said it couldn't find the texture, but I guess I changed something that made it not work again. Now the textures work fine in the bulldozer viewer, but get the error message and white ramps in game... WTF!

edit: got it to work again..... not really sure how, the ramps look pretty shitty but they kind work.

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