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Change the simulationmode in next patch?

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Spamming every thread with "the patch doesn't exist" or "the patch will never be released" does something good?

Maybe just go do something else for a while... I mean ArmA is just a computer game, it should not be a disaster for anyone if all support for it ends today.

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Maybe this thread could concentrate on helping XPETIT to solve his problem, and not to talk about the patch.

I asked a question from XPETIT in the first reply and he never answered.

It could be nice to hear exactly what kind of solutions XPETIT has already tried, so we could think if we can improve on them.

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I wanted to point out that the one an donly reason in this days of banana software to buy a game at release is confidence in the developers support. If this confidence ist lost, there is no argument for spending money on the next banana software box.

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To Baddo,

What i have tried, is to put in the config file something like :

simulation="if (speed this > 350) then {airplane} else {helicopter}";

I have also tried to use a variable in the config file and modifiy the value in a script but ........nothing.



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Some old ideas and contraptions people have tried/thought of:

1. Start off Helicopter model and simulation and get airborne, quickly delete and createvehicle plane model in its place after some forward momentum (hard to do, you would have to replace exact fuel,damage,occupants) not sure that could be done in a blink of an eye and then the MP problems that may have and I don't think you can replace exact bulletcount of a magazine

2. Best bet is leave it plane simulation and model and use setvelocity script to vertically rise it and give it some forward boost

(in the past the only problem with this work around was the multianimations needed for the rotating props) I believe with Armas animation system this now can be done

3. Some tried just leaving it helicopter model,then you have the problem of top speed (as you stated) but also the tilting of the whole thing when you go accel and decel (setpos would level the model out) but scripting setpos too much would muck with MP I am sure

4. A real nice fix would be the ability to just change the simulation mode on the fly like this topic

I vote for #4 but I think #2 will work well now

I agree to the "stop demanding patches in every topic" , Petit was being polite and genuinely asking for a new feature

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Well as I already hinted in the first reply, you could try this:

Create two objects out of the same object:

1) Configure this object to be a helicopter.

2) Configure this object to be an airplane.

Then you would have a script which detects the speed of the object constantly running. The script would change the object between helicopter and airplane on the conditions set by you.

To avoid possible performance problems, you should have both objects loaded into the mission at the start. And keep them both there so they are ready to be used at any time. Hide the airplane at the start. When the airplane is needed, take it into use and hide the helicopter. You would set the position, orientation and speed of the airplane object so that the transition from the helicopter object is as smooth as possible. You would also, of course, have to transfer all crew and passengers. Ammo, damage and fuel values maybe too.

I don't know how well that would work but at least in theory it should be possible.

It's for sure a hacky workaround but waiting for a patch to add this kind of functionality is a tall order.

Also as BraTTy mentions you could try forcing either the airplane or the helicopter to act as another by using a script to force its position, orientation and speed.

All of these workarounds are so hacky that it will almost certainly bring problems in multiplayer.

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