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OnMapSingleClick question

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What I am trying to do is a CAS (Close Air Support) script. I would like for there to be three clicks. First, one will give the target pos. Second, will give the inbound waypoint. Third, will give the outbound waypoint.

Question: How do I set up a OnMapSingleClick and shift key and a OnMapSingleClick shift, alt key?

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how i did with chopper pickup and dropoff was 1 script for

each OnMapSingleClick

just to get the position

then run the next script from the script

so on the bottom of the first script

hint "select next spot"

[_pos1] exec "script2.sqs"

so on the bottom of the second script

hint "select next spot"

[_pos1,_pos2] exec "script3.sqs"

and in 3 you would have the last

OnMapSingleClick and the rest of your script

i hope this helps

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Thanks for the advice, but I still dont think that answers my question.

I would like to know what is the correct command to have it where you have to press alt, and click. Also shift, alt and click.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

onmapsingleclick "if (!_alt && !_shift)then{hint ""only click""}; if (_alt && !_shift)then{hint ""ALT""}; if (!_alt && _shift)then{hint ""SHIFT""}; if (_alt && _shift)then{hint ""ALT and SHIFT""}";

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