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description.ext questions

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Morning all! I have a couple of question about description.ext in MP games. I'm using BAF f 1.0.5 and ArmA 1.08 by the way.

When it comes to gear snippets, what exactly does the totals I put in there for each weapon and magazine mean?

For example, say I put 'class M16A2 {count = 24;};' is that the total number of those guns available in the game?

What happens if a player spawns with an M16A2, is there 23 remaining? Or does the spawned player get his M16A2 from elsewhere meaning there's effectively 25 in the game now?

What happens if I put ammo caches/ammo trucks into the game? Will they use up some of the 24, or will they generate new guns?

Also, my mission is an MP coop, if I remove all the OPFOR gear from the snippets list, does that means the russians have no stuff to shoot with?

Thanks in advance,

Tanky -Paul-

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The number and types are for the briefing when you choose your weapon and what everyone else in you group will have. This is all before the actual mission.

So if you dont want any player to be able to choose their own weapon before mission you need to delete/comment out that part. You can also add user addons if you know the classnames (f.ex "RHS_SVD"), or take away the weapons you dont want anyone to get their hands on.

This got nothing to do whats actually happen inside the mission.

Hpoe you understand my explanation smile_o.gif

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Thanks for that, let me just clarify,

What I put in the desc.ext isn't the total available in the game world, it's what's available to my squads in the briefing and notes part before the shooting starts?

Guns and Ammo can be freely added later using trucks and crates?

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Thank you very much. Learning this stuff is a roller-coaster ride, isn't it?

This has led me on to my VERY FIRST sqs script to make a custom ammo crate so that I can control the amount of kit available to my chaps. It worked at the second attempt! smile_o.gif

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