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Oxygen - foc?

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After seeing the capabilities of Oxygen, I think it would not be free. It is a very powerful tool, not only as OFP editor but also as a 3D renderer.

So, do u think it should be free?

Personally, I feel BIS would probably sell it.

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There has been no mention of charging for it. Furthermore, BIS is not in the business of selling and maintaining graphics software and I doubt that they want to start. It is to their benefit to give out such tools to enhance the game through player addons, which will drum up more sales of their core product.

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Maybe it being free is to make it easier for people around the world to gain access to it. The ability to create new and interesting addons for OFP would only enhance the gaming experience and by doing that they are increasing it's popularity and selling more copies in any case.

Maybe their reasoning is along those lines...

Also I would just like to say that I feel there are so many fantastic ideas and creations out there for OFP and maybe BIS should welcome some outside help with addons for OFP aswell as maps. For example the satchel's dynamic range sound modification is absolutely stunning, it turns OFP into a totally different game. Maybe BIS could embrace some outside ideas which are fantastic and include them in official releases after some beta testing. After all, these creations are freely available anyway.

Just a thought...


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Consider that many players just buy Half-Life because of the mods....

Would be stupid to charge oxygen,eh?



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Umm.. 3D renderer? Its just a lowpolygon modeler, afaik it does not have a full rendering engine, it can only display the models with basic Direct3D.

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I think you've been taken in by these "new" screenshots of Oxygen floating around. Firstly, these are not new, I saw them last year at Axleonline and secondly they are BIS's full modelling program, Objektiv 2. As Kegetys said, it is only a low poly modeller - a cut down version, its main selling point being that it will be able to import other model files such as 3D Studio Max.

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