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Cheat: Topography

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Generates a map in EMF vector format. The file is always created at the root directory of the C: drive. The output file is generated when the map is next viewed in game.


Uh, could someone elaborate on this? Do I do it ingame? At the menu or what? For example, I if I do this will I get the entire Sahrani height map?

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you press shift and then - on the keypad ingame , much like you would type flush or any other.

you will then create a topgraphical map on the c drive main root folder . if mem saves me right you get the mapgrid to tho . best to do in map mode ingame or as a unit in game.

it will look liek that for sakakah.

it will be in emf and opens nicely in infranview and will be same size as the sat i think.


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