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lan problem

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Hi all.I have two original copies of operation flashpoint GOTY edition.At my house i have 2pcs.The problem is that when i host a game to the first pc the game doesnt appear at the second pc.The settings that i use is direct play.The games are patched to 1.96.Can anyone help me?

P.s. I have try to play in lan mode other games and it was succeful.Even with arma i managed to play lan. banghead.gif

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Hmmm... worked fine for us.

You could make sure you have absolutely no firewall software running and try again. You can unplug the cable which connects you to the Internet so there won't be any threats coming in, thus a firewall would not be needed.

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thank you man.my panda firewall was the problem.thnx again.

PS:i am noob at lan things.

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