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How to make AT guys reload?

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I've created myself as squad leader, an AT guy with only one round, and an empty M113 with some AT rounds. I can make him rearm at the vehicle but ordering him to attack, he just says negative. If I teamswitch to him, he hasn't reloaded his weapon.

But on his action menu, I can only force him to reload his current weapon, and there is no obvious way to make him change his weapon back to the M136.

Ehh, what gives? Did BIS miss something serious here? Do I really need to resort to scripting for such a task that should really be covered in the FSM?

I really want to be using one-shot M136, but it's starting to grow on me why they have chosen to give him 3 reloads by default. However, having gone for the reloadable M136, I think they should have covered the rearming bit as well.

Testing the other side, I find the same thing on the east RPG7 AT launcher, except that guy will report roger instead of negative. But the same result; nothing happens. And this IS with a reloadeable weapon.

It's as if the units doesn't know they have recieved the ammunition. If they have more than one shot, they are aware and immediately tries to reload.

Is this behaviour fixeable, hopefully without scripting?

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Heh, sort of forgot about that one, thanks for reminding. I thought the Javelins were just a bug with the weapon, but now it seems the whole system is flawed. The noncombat FSM should be updated for these weapons I think, and also for the MGs; allowing the use of an MG ammobearer.

If weaponcarrier is low on ammo, he should automatically check the rest of the squad for ammo they don't have a weapon for. If one fits his ammo, that guy should come over and drop ammo in front of him to pick up, and obviously reloading automatically if weapon is empty.

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a trick is to have him drop the weapon, than order him to take it up again. He will automaticly take ammo and reload.


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