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How many ammo slots

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I've noticed that when you place i.e. a fuel truck, it's loaded with plenty equipment. If I replace players equipment with something from this truck, it is spread around the truck indicating too much stuff in there.

When I clear magazines and add manually, I can only put 20 magazines into it before it starts feeding the ground.

Where can I find information about what vehicle can take how much ammo? I've searched here and at ofpec, but I can't find such a list.

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The best spot to find such info is probably in the configs.

You'll need a de-pbo tool and an un-rap tool to be able to read them.

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Thanks, works just brilliantly and way beyond. Excellent tool.

Wonder why BIS has decided on giving so increadibly much by default, when a vehicle is per data only allowed to hold much less icon_rolleyes.gif

Found an interresting one on the Stryker; gunnerHasFlares, any idea what this is ment for?

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As the stryker is equipped with a grenade launcher you can add flares to ammunition and use them.

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Tried adding singleshot flares, but they didn't show up. Not that I really expected them to either. Smoke (if it would ever work against AI) and flares would have been a nice support element.

Is it required with an addon for having flares added to the Stryker? And how would you make it able to support it with it when played by AI? Sorry for such noob questions, but I've only played with the editor and scripting so far, not dwelved into the strange realm of addons tounge2.gif

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